
n. 脸;面容;表面;面子;威信;外观


Th-th-th-th-th- He slaps his face with both hands, and stomps his feet...>>完整场景
Rafe stands to face Danny; this is hard for Danny to say.>>完整场景
Rafe straightens up, but the waves of sickness come back over him and he bends over again. Danny looks at his friend, and the pain is written on Danny's face.>>完整场景
We gotta face some facts here.>>完整场景
EXT. SHORE OF PEARL HARBOR - NIGHT Rafe stares out at the harbor, seeing nothing. As he stands there alone and shattered, he has one more SUBLIMINAL FLASHBACK Rafe is in the water of the North Sea; he seems dead, but his makeshift preserver is keeping his face above the surface.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny stare at each other; Danny hesitates, looking from Rafe to Evelyn, wondering what they've said. Then Rafe looks at Evelyn, and picks up the look on her face. In that moment he puts it all together.>>完整场景
He sees the troubled look on her face.>>完整场景
Rafe jumps to catch her before she slams to the ground. He gathers her into his arms, and she looks up into his face.>>完整场景
From his POV beneath the water, he sees something above the surface. It's only in his mind, but that makes it no less real...an orange glow, the warmth of the sunset, and her face above the surface... His limbs come to life, and he fights his way up, breaking the surface. The whole sea around him is dark and empty, but he grabs his makeshift preserver and holds on for dear life...and for Evelyn.>>完整场景
Then in another CUT we see him after he's been in the water for so long that his body no longer trembles; he's lost consciousness. He has no strength, no will to live... His face settles into the water...his body slips from his preserver, and drifts beneath the surface... EVELYN'S VOICE ...gather it's heat into my heart, and send it to you... IN FLASHBACK, Rafe beneath the surface... His eyes come open.>>完整场景
SUBLIMINAL FLASHBACK...RAFE LANDS IN THE WATER, and the shock of its coldness travels up his body faster than his body sinks into the water. He's cloaked in the fog; his parachute, pushed by the wind, is pulling him along face down. He fights with the straps, flips himself over, and pulls the release... But he's still in desperate trouble; in his flying clothes, his heavy leather jacket soaking with sea-water, he's going down; his body sinks beneath the surface... EVELYN'S VOICE ...Every sunset... IN THE PRESENT, Rafe's chest trembles... Is it from the memory of the frozen water, from the emotion of seeing Evelyn again -- or both?>>完整场景
IN THE PRESENT...Rafe's face winces with the memory, and he rivets his eyes on Evelyn, as if to force himself to know that this moment is real.>>完整场景
His left hand is bandaged, but he is very much alive -- though seeing Evelyn has taken his breath, and even seems to have robbed him of the power to move. His eyes pick up every detail of her -- her face...her hands.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - NIGHT We see the full figure of the man watching her. And now we see his face. It is Rafe.>>完整场景
And then she sees his face... It's Danny. His face as sad as death itself.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - SUNSET Dorie walks away, down the path between the palm trees. She watches him go, and then is transfixed by someone else coming, silhouetted by the light of the setting sun. She can't make out his face, but he's wearing a pilot's dress uniform, and coming to her right out of the warm orange sunset that she has stared at so many times. Her heart slams against her ribs; she takes a few steps forward.>>完整场景
Rafe does a half-loop and half-spin, to bring him around to face the bombers again. This time the g-force of the turn pops an oil line inside Rafe's cockpit; hot, pressurized oil begins to spray everywhere -- all over Rafe, his controls, and worst of all, over the inside of his cockpit glass.>>完整场景
The members of the war council are so pleased with Yamamoto that they bow to him. Only Genda keeps his eyes raised long enough to see the sadness in Yamamoto's face.>>完整场景
He looks toward the eastern horizon, where his ship is heading. A deep, dark storm is brewing before them... EXT. PACIFIC - DAY Evelyn stands on the deck of a ship headed in the opposite direction, on another ocean, the sky is clear, the breeze is warm, the light of a glowing sunset bathes her face. The MONTAGE ENDS, with them heading to different ends of the earth.>>完整场景
He studies her face, burning it into his memory.>>完整场景
It's Danny's FATHER and he's a fearsome sight; drunk, his hair uncombed, his face unshaven, his teeth -- those still left -- are rotting. He's also missing an arm; but the one that's left is potent, and he's shaking Danny with it.>>完整场景
His face was so smashed!>>完整场景
Then the synthetic cdo was the atomic bomb with a drunk president holding his finger over the button it was at that moment in that dumb restaurant with that stupid look on his face that mark baum realized the whole world economy might collapse!>>完整场景
His face is starting to boil he looks like the bad guy from doom alright, let's say... You have a pool of 50 million in sub-prime loans how much money could be out there betting on it in your synthetic cdo's and swaps?>>完整场景
Is 200-to-1, but they're all taking the ratings off face value they're charging penny's on the dollar to bet against double-a's just when I start thinking you guys are clowns!>>完整场景