
adv. 总而言之;完全地;总共


I think that they are feeling inclined to withdraw altogether.>>完整场景
The whirling statue slows, and then stops altogether. Drew reaches up with a hook kick and taps it in the face.>>完整场景
"He is altogether lovable. " But he'll always be a two-bit punk so he'll never be my beloved.>>完整场景
Besides, Augustus’s name wasn’t on the sign, though it was his grave. No one might ever realize that it was his grave. Call walked back up the hill and got out his knife, thinking he might carve the name on the other side of the board, but the old board was so dry and splintery that he felt he might destroy it altogether if he worked on it much. Finally he just scratched A.M. on the other side of the board. It wasn’t much, and it wouldn’t last, he knew. Somebody would just get irritated at not finding the livery stable and bust the sign up anyway. In any case, Gus was where he had decided he wanted to be, and they had both known many fine men who lay in unmarked graves.>>完整场景
“Mister, you ain’t nowhere near the graveyard,” the man said. He had even waxed his mustache and was altogether too shiny for Call’s taste.>>完整场景
The second day he stopped tracking altogether, since it was plain Blue Duck was heading for the Staked Plains. That took in a lot of territory, of course, but Augustus thought he knew where Blue Duck would go: to an area north and west of the Palo Duro Canyon—it was there he had always retreated to when pursued.>>完整场景
She had been sitting at a table expecting Dish Boggett to come back with another two dollars he had borrowed somewhere. It was an expectation that brought her no pleasure. It was clear Dish expected something altogether different from what the two dollars would buy him. That was why, in general, she preferred older men to young ones. The older ones were more likely to be content with what they paid for; the young ones almost always got in love with her, and expected it to make a difference. It got so she never said a word to the young men, thinking that the less she said the less they would expect. Of course they went right on expecting, but at least it saved her having to talk. She could tell Dish Boggett was going to pester her as long as he could afford to, and when she heard boot heels and the jingle of spurs on the porch she assumed it was him, coming back for a second round.>>完整场景
EXT. DIRT ROAD - DAY The road is overgrown, but not altogether creepy. The sun is still shining, and the birds still CHIRPING.>>完整场景
# Oh, I have met a daisy # But where we met is hazy # And I have walked the streets with marguerites # And clinging vines beside me # Oh, I've met a lot of those # But I never met a rose # There's often been a heather An armful altogether # And I have even met a violet who almost satisfied me # Yes, I've met every kind that grows # But I never met a rose # Among the dahlias I often dally # I left a lily in the valley # But now and then I ponder And wonder as I wander # Among the fields and shrub Perhaps the trouble is # Who knows?>>完整场景
The rain washes a fine coating of white ash from his skin as electrical ARCS lace back and forth between the fire escapes behind him, HISSING and SPUTTERING. The sound fades, then stops altogether, to be replaced by a rising scream of animal agony.>>完整场景
I must say, though, it was an unfitting end for the bird. But I suppose one can tolerate barking dogs. But barking roosters? That's another matter altogether.>>完整场景
[all shouting] Aah! [all shouting] Yet if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's 250 years of unrequited toil be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said 3,000 years ago, so still must be said, ''The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.'' [D'Souza] ''But wait a minute, ''you say, ''Didn't some Republicans own slaves?'' Actually, no.>>完整场景