
vt. 造成;创造,创作


INT. MARK'S DORM ROOM - NIGHT The whiteboard is filled with diagrams now under the heading "theFacebook"--login page,, profile page, create account-We move over to see MARK at his computer. He opens the Emacs program and then Firefox, hits a few keys and the diagram on the whiteboard comes-to life on his computer as we>>完整场景
Well we've been working for a while on an idea. It's called HarvardConnecti.on. You create your own page, Picture, bio, interests, friends.>>完整场景
minimum viable product, Ruby On Rails developer to create a whole MVP Backend.>>完整场景
First I got Wynn to kill Spawn and create the HEAT-16 bomb.>>完整场景
Men are the ones who create evil on Earth.>>完整场景
Clu can't create programs.>>完整场景
- I will create the perfect system.>>完整场景
- You will create the perfect system.>>完整场景
Am I still to create the perfect system?>>完整场景
A program designed to create a perfect world.>>完整场景
With each time we kill, we create six more.>>完整场景
Create life where there was to be none even while intoxicating ourselves with it all.>>完整场景
Now, if we can create enough confusion, maybe we can get them to break ranks.>>完整场景
Your eye in Scotland would create soldiers, make our women fight to doff their dire distresses.>>完整场景
I've suggested that we create a training program for knights.>>完整场景
Suppose we create a new order of chivaIry?>>完整场景
So, rather than waste your time this semester... with a lot of useless theories... we're going to jump right in with both feet... and create a fictional company from the ground up.>>完整场景
As Calvin Coolidge once said... "The business of America is business"... and the business of an educational institution... such as ours is to create young minds... that understand that the business of America... is the kind of business that it actually is.>>完整场景
I can't allow my notes to be used to create a biogenetic plague that could wipe out an entire race.>>完整场景
What SpaceX is trying to do is create a situation where all these industries and governments suddenly start saying, "Well, now this is an option we want to get in the game." And suddenly, all this money pours into rocket innovation, into Earth/Mars industries.>>完整场景
There's a debate as to whether private enterprise or the federal government can create innovation.>>完整场景
You're saying to create a space?>>完整场景
Your electrodes create three axes.>>完整场景
The third cycle will create a million.>>完整场景
We're willing to subsidize the food system to create the "mystique" of cheap food, when actually it's very expensive food when you add up the environmental costs societal costs, health costs.>>完整场景