
adv. 已经,早已;先前


Come on I left my phone in the office, I threw my pass out already, do you mind if I take your pass?>>完整场景
Ehm... I'm not sure what you want me to say I think that... I think you've already said it.>>完整场景
I've already been to the gym, I had two poached eggs, and I played Blackjack with Harry Dean Stanton thank you for your diary!>>完整场景
Even 20-to-1 return, and it's already slowly going bust.>>完整场景
Ok, you're saying that at 8 percent the bonds fail and we're already at 4 percent?>>完整场景
The default-rates are already up from one to four percent fellas.>>完整场景
You see, Lewis didn't know it yet, but he already changed banking forever with one simple idea.>>完整场景
l've already sent Al Neri to the Vatican.>>完整场景
lmmobiliare is already laundering money in Peru and Nassau.>>完整场景
The Vatican has cast its vote. Corleone Group already controls the Board.>>完整场景
Forget that, Mike; I already know the answer.>>完整场景
I've already rented it; I cannot disappoint the new tenants. They're paying a higher rent.>>完整场景
I have already rented the apartment to another family.>>完整场景
EXT. HAVANA STREETS - NIGHT Rebel cars with loudspeakers have already picked up the news that Batista has conceded...this throws the crowds already gathered for the New Year into cheers of joy.>>完整场景
EXT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - NIGHT We see evidence of the confusion at this late hour; already cars are beginning to move; people leaving the Palace in haste. Michael moves quickly toward his car. He sees Fredo, watching him in fear.>>完整场景
The crowd is stunned; already whispers are moving throughout the guests.>>完整场景
To go tonight, with me, as though we know nothing. I've already made my move.>>完整场景
Listen, this Senator from Florida already has a hundred grand worth of markers on the table.>>完整场景
I don't think so. Unless I'm very wrong...they're already dead.>>完整场景
The boathouse is already secured by teams of men, hastily wakened from their lodge house; a barracks-like structure where reinforcements are lodged just for this kind of emergency.>>完整场景
The old man had too much vino rosso, or he'd never talk openly that way. Let him go back to New York; I've already made my plans.>>完整场景
He's safe now...we're already working on ways to bring him back.>>完整场景
He's already thinking of going to the mattresses. We have to find a place on the West Side. Paulie, you know a good location?>>完整场景
Get in the car. If I wanted to kill you you'd be dead already.>>完整场景
Okay! Based on what we already did, the process of elimination means the task inside is extracting the liquid.>>完整场景