
n. 水平;水平面;标准


Oxygen level, 10%.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
Oxygen level critical.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
Oxygen level... Pressure stable.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
Oxygen level critical.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
Oxygen level critical.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
He was thinking about Lorie when the Indians broke for him. Where they had hidden he didn’t know, for he was in the center of a level plain. He first heard a little cutting sound as bullets zipped into the grass, ten yards from his horse. Later, the sound of bullets cutting grass was more distinct in his memory than the sounds of shots. Before he really heard the shots he had his horse in a dead run, heading south. It seemed to him there were ten or twelve Indians, but he was more concerned with outrunning them than with getting a count. But within minutes he knew he wasn’t going to be able to outrun them. He had pushed his horse too hard and soon was steadily losing ground.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The old man, a hard-looking customer, didn’t look up again until he had finished skinning the possum. All Roscoe could do was stand around uneasily. The silence was heavy. Roscoe almost wished he had ridden on and spent the night sitting up against a tree. The level of civilization in Texas definitely wasn’t very high if the old man was an example of it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He had been very disappointed in the level of the grub.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Hell, I don’t need all this,” he said. “There ain’t a horse in town worth fifty dollars, unless it’s that mare of Call’s, and she ain’t for sale.” But he took the money, thinking it a fine joke on Gus that the money from his poke would buy Lorie a mount to ride to Montana, or however far they went. He had known perfectly well Gus would try something of the sort, for Gus would never let him have a woman to himself. Gus liked to be a rival more than anything else, Jake figured. And as for Lorie going through with it—well, it relieved him of a certain level of responsibility for her. If she was going to keep that much independence, so would he.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Now Jake Spoon had spoiled it all, and the only way Xavier could vent his annoyance was by winning money from Jasper Fant, most of which he would never collect.“Where’s Jake?” Lorie asked—a shock to Dish. His hopes, which had been soaring as he walked through the dark to the saloon, flopped down to boot level. For her to inquire about the man so shamelessly bespoke a depth of attachment that Dish could barely imagine. It was not likely she would ever inquire at all about him, even if he stepped out the door and vanished for a year.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It was tribute enough to sunup that it could make even chaparral bushes look beautiful, Augustus thought, and he watched the process happily, knowing it would only last a few minutes. The sun spread reddish-gold light through the shining bushes, among which a few goats wandered, bleating. Even when the sun rose above the low bluffs to the south, a layer of light lingered for a bit at the level of the chaparral, as if independent of its source. Then the sun lifted clear, like an immense coin. The dew quickly died, and the light that filled the bushes like red dust dispersed, leaving clear, slightly bluish air.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
I'm just gonna give you one for level.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- ( farting noise ) - ( laughter, applause ) Being a co-worker, we were at that comfortable level where we would, uh, fart around each other.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
I'll go to the highest levels of government, to the High Court.
>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
That's hydrogen cyanide. If it reaches the containment level, it will kill them all.
>> 侏罗纪世界2 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Movie Script
Blue... displaying levels of interest, concern, hyperintelligence, cognitive bonding... See that?
>> 侏罗纪世界2 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Movie Script
Day 176. Blue is showing unprecedented levels of compliance.
>> 侏罗纪世界2 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Movie Script
Theologists now predict an extinction level event will kill off the last living dinosaurs on the planet.
>> 侏罗纪世界2 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Movie Script
Grant moves at a good pace. He reaches the car's level, on the driver's side five or six feet to one side of it.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
102EXT. BACK ON THE BARGE - NIGHT102 CLOSE ON the cleaned satellite phone's display. The battery level indicator is FLASHING.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
There's a thick fog at this level -- clouds, really -- but far below we can see the river. And at its banks, a barge.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
71EXT. RIVER CANYON - DAY71 Step by step, Grant leads the group down a rusty spiral staircase below the observation room. The stairs end in a lower level. Although we're technically outside, this whole place feel strangely enclosed.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
Toward the center of the room, a spiral staircase that leads to a lower level.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
Machines with intricate tubing and wing arms stand beside conveyer belts cris crossing the room at different levels.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
JORDAN (V.O.) All told, the weekend cost me almost two million dollars- 107 PERIOD VEGAS ADS *107 108 INT. TANGIERS - PRESIDENTIAL SUITE - DAY *108 The Tangiers Presidential Suite is a shambles on the * level of Hiroshima. A giant crystal chandelier laysshattered on the floor; Jordan asleep in the massive bed, a Blue Chip Hooker on either side of him; other passed- out BODIES lay amid debris and broken, toppled furniture.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script