
n. 开始;出发


So again, we do apologize for starting that fire.>>完整场景
Jack, I'm starting to think you don't know where you're going.>>完整场景
EXT. HORNET - FLIGHT DECK - STRIPPING THE PLANES - DAY It's starting to rain but the guys don't notice at all.>>完整场景
I highly recommend watching this talk from one of Test Double’s founders, Justin Searls — especially the section starting at 31:52 where he does the math on the importance of feedback loop. If it doesn’t make you obsessed with its importance, nothing will!>>完整场景
Good time for my voice to go fired 3,200 workers the manufacturing-index also put out the month of march it's starting... A warning that the economic growth could slow the institute of sub-prime assets also reported a rise of prices I'm gonna call my mom!>>完整场景
His face is starting to boil he looks like the bad guy from doom alright, let's say... You have a pool of 50 million in sub-prime loans how much money could be out there betting on it in your synthetic cdo's and swaps?>>完整场景
By now guests are starting to notice the disturbance; Michael is with Kay, and some friends; Rocco catches his eye.>>完整场景
Mike! The party starting!>>完整场景
We put out a lot of material through our contacts in the Newspapers...about McCluskey's being tied up with Sollozzo in the Drug Rackets...things are starting to loosen up.>>完整场景
(starting to crack) Jesus, I don't know...>>完整场景
You're starting a one-man war.>>完整场景
I'm planning on starting a hacker space.>>完整场景
I'm really starting to get excited about this, Sonic.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON THE ROPE BEHIND THEM Which is starting to fray from the weight.>>完整场景
A crowd is now starting to form, eager to watch how the monk handles this situation.>>完整场景
We've been hanging out so long we're starting to look alike. Hanging out.>>完整场景
You can always tell the winners at the starting gate.>>完整场景
HUMPERDINCK: And now he stops, and the look that was in his eyes at the wedding, that look of fear, is starting to return.>>完整场景
INIGO AND FEZZIK hurrying inside. FEZZIK carries Westley who is just starting to stiffen up a little. He lays Westley down across a bench by the fireplace, picks Westley's arm up and lets it drop limp.>>完整场景
HUMPERDINCK: jumping at her, yanking her by the hair, starting to pull her along, out of control, his words indistinct.>>完整场景
I am starting him on The Machine tonight.>>完整场景
(starting to panic) What do I do?>>完整场景
THE TWO OF THEM: And what we are starting now is one of the two greatest sword fights in modern movies (the other one happens later on), and right from the beginning it looks different.>>完整场景
MAN IN BLACK: (handing back the great sword, starting to rise) Well, I certainly hope you find him, someday.>>完整场景
You see, I cannot find him. It's been twenty years now. I am starting to lose confidence. I just work for Vizzini to pay the bills. There's not a lot of money in revenge.>>完整场景