
n. 灯;照射器


Oh shoot... I hit my lamp against the tablet.>>完整场景
CAMPBELL picks up her CRICKET BAT and starts smashing the place. SMACK — a lamp flies into the wall. BASH — a music box explodes into a million pieces.>>完整场景
He gropes for a lamp, tries to turn it on, knocks it over instead. Hell with it. He's got more urgent things to do, like getting her blouse open and his hands on her breasts. She arches, moaning, fumbling with his fly. He slams her against the wall, ripping her skirt. We hear fabric tear.>>完整场景
He sits up and turns on the bedside lamp.>>完整场景
A lamp with a frayed electrical cable.>>完整场景
FRANCESCI, a mustached young man in a corduroy sportcoat, isseated beside the lamp. A gun is on the table beside him.>>完整场景
Chace obeys. A lamp is switched on, shining in his eyes.>>完整场景
Deep inside the cave Cinquanta finds an unlit oil lamp. He takes out a match and lights it - -- REVEALING a bunk bed set up in here, and Paul is chainedto it. Cinquanta reaches into his bag. He brings out a canof beans and a composition notebook.>>完整场景
Bulb's out. Anna giggles some more as Malcolm's shadow stumbles across the bedroom. MALCOLM TURNS ON THE BATHROOM LIGHT.A SHAFT OF LIGHT falls on Anna as she stands in the corner of the room. Anna smiles playfully and pulls off her sweater. She sways to a pretend striptease song. Malcolm can't hold back his grin. He joins in -- slowly peeling off the sweat-shirt. He looks back to Anna. She's stopped her playful dance. She's facing away from him. He walks towards her. HIS GRIN QUIETLY DISAPPEARS. Malcolm's face turns to rock as his attention is drawn to the SHATTERED WINDOW in their bedroom. The wind moves through the room. A lamp lays broken on the ground by the window. Malcolm kneels down. Beat. Anna's eyes fill with a quiet awareness.>>完整场景

30's almost 10:30. Where I come from, the sun's over the yardarm, m'boy, and the cocktail lamp is lit. Quince drains his wine, presents it for a refill, when he is hailed by Allison.
You walk into a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What would you light first?>>完整场景