
n. 接待;接收;招待会;感受;反应


What's wrong with Cole? Beat. DR. HILL The tests indicate he did not have a seizure. In fact he's doing fine. After some rest, he could go home tonight. Lynn closes her eyes. Lets out a tense breath. Beat. Malcolm eyes the doctor as he glances back to an academic-looking woman standing at the reception room door.>>完整场景

INT. HOSPITAL RECEPTION AREA - AFTERNOON Colorful murals don the curved walls of the pediatric reception area. A spattering of children accompanied by adults sit and wait. Lynn and Malcolm are seated at a children's play table. A game made of a maze of wires sit on the table in front of them. A young resident DR. HILL takes a seat at the table with them. He opens up his notes.
April or March of Eighty-seven. Two weeks into sessions with Vincent Gray. I was treating a couple, Donald and Robin Wagner, who had lost their child to Leukemia. They were waiting with Vincent in the reception room of the downtown clinic. They were alone together maybe fifteen minutes. When I entered the room, all three were crying. The Wagner's progress from that afternoon was dramatic and sudden .... As if some door had been opened for them. (beat) I'm not at all clear what happened in those fifteen minutes. But I now believe Vincent tried to tell me something, show me something and I didn't listen. (beat) Cole Sear allowed me to witness something today. (beat) This time I'm going to listen.A long silence. CLICK. The tape recorder turns off.>>完整场景
No thank you, Bill. I can manage. Joe goes. INT. EMERGENCY ROOM AREA, NEW YORK HOSPITAL - DAY Susan is busy giving instructions to a Nurse, a patient on an examining table beside them. As she finishes, she suddenly notices Joe down the corridor in the reception area. She is startled for the moment, quickly makes a last notation, hands a chart to the Nurse and heads down the corridor.>>完整场景