
n. 艺术;美术;艺术品


Yes, she has my flesh and blood Sir. The woman is consummate in the art of deception.>>完整场景
You are in the presence of George Augustus Duke of Brunswick-Lneburg... Art treasurer and print selector of the Holy Roman Empire... King of Great Britain and Ireland.>>完整场景
Hail Mary, full of grace blessed art Thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.>>完整场景
... the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.>>完整场景
Tentatively, KAY dips her fingers into the water, and blesses herself. Then SHE follows MAMA down the aisle, in awe at the high ceiling, the art, the windows, and finally the Altar.>>完整场景
You must free your ambitions mind and learn the art of dying.>>完整场景
Beckett said, "if you want to make art, you have to fail.">>完整场景
I stayed true to my art, and didn't let myself get distracted by all that trivial stuff.>>完整场景
Writing sh*t about new snow... for the rich is not art.>>完整场景
It's kind of an underground art magazine type of thing.>>完整场景
- Come on! It's art!>>完整场景
San De puts the tea leaves into the pot, then soaks them with boiling water. He pours the water out, then repeats the process several times. His movements are all very precise and careful – it almost looks like a martial art kata.>>完整场景
“That’s right,” Augustus said. “There’s an art to biscuit making, and I learned it.” “My wife was good at it too,” Po Campo remarked. “I liked her biscuits. She never burned them on the bottom.” “Where’s she live, Mexico?” Augustus asked, curious as to where the short old man had come from.>>完整场景
And-- and-- and to me, that's a work of art.>>完整场景
There were moans and... You could tell-- you could actually hear it passing up the coach, the carriage I'm not so tentative now, because I know there are other flatulists or other people who perform my art.>>完整场景
We wired all the art, too.>>完整场景
Let's get some art.>>完整场景
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.>>完整场景
WITH NAOMI taking in the party, her eyes flitting tothings: art, chandeliers, crystal, etc.>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD (V.O.) The art of survival is a story that never ends.>>完整场景
210 INT. ART GALLERY - DAY 210 Irving and Sydney admire a piece of art on the wall.>>完整场景
That's the f***ing art of becoming somebody who people can pin their beliefs and their dreams on. And you can't do it.>>完整场景
91 INT. SYDNEY’S APARTMENT - DAY 91 IRVING ROSENFELD We succeeded because we stayedsmall. I got you Carl Elway. Hebought stolen art, sold fake bankC.D.'s, that's enough. That's one.>>完整场景
INT. ART MUSEUM - NEXT ROOM - CONTINUOUS Irving, Edith, Richie, and the fake Sheik admire a REMBRANDT painting on the wall.>>完整场景
I wait for him to call me. The art world is a small world -- and one of Elway's acquaintances is clocking us right now.>>完整场景