
n. 人质;抵押品


The hostage has been identified as Mary Jane Watson, an actrice recently seen in a brief stint on Broadway.
>> Spider-Man 3 蜘蛛侠 3 Movie Script
Every attempt by the police to rescue the hostage has been flaunted by the Sandman.
>> Spider-Man 3 蜘蛛侠 3 Movie Script
Just thirty minutes ago, police came across this startling sight: A young woman held hostage in a taxi suspended 80 storeys above the ground in what appears to be a giant web.
>> Spider-Man 3 蜘蛛侠 3 Movie Script
City in crisis" - All New York is holding its breath as a hostage crisis continues to unfold.
>> Spider-Man 3 蜘蛛侠 3 Movie Script
We will release the hostages, number one. Number two, we're here for you to count on when you need us. We're independent, but we're here if you need us. In general, we'll cooperate with you and your businesses, and you in turn will cooperate with us. Pari persu.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
The Rosatos are running crazy; taking hostages, spitting in my face, because they're backed by the Jew in Miami.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
It's okay...the hostage is outside playing pinochle with three of my men.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
We don't let Mike go until we have the hostage, Sonny.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
I'll stop being your hostage.
>> 刺猬索尼克 1996 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Script
Tear gas, hostages, now he's gonna do this.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
People who want to use you as a hostage.
>> 长城 The Great Wall Movie Script
But did you shoot any of the Israeli hostages?
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
These are the names of the members of the Israeli team... at the Munich Olympics, who were held hostage... beaten, and finally murdered by Arab terrorists.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
They've now said that there were 11 hostages.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
Originally it was said that the hostages were safe... but now that has been changed.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
Well, that's at least 24 we've seen go in... and now we can see the lights flashing... There was a terrible battle at the airport, but the hostages... somehow the hostages are safe.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
We have reports now... that all the hostages, all nine hostages are safe.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
What I have seen are... four hostages in one helicopter... and it looks like five hostages in the first helicopter.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
Apparently, new demands have been made to move the fedayeen... and their hostages, though it isn't yet known... when or where this might occur.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
It now appears that the siege of the apartment building... where the hostages are being held has been called off... and the German police are retreating from the area.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
They want what they call "the Israeli war machine"... to release 200 Arabs, which it insists are political prisoners... or the hostages will be killed.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
There is great uncertainty about how many Israelis... are being held hostage in the apartment.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
83. Most hosts are hostile to the foremost ghost hostage almost to the utmost.
83. 大多数主人对最前面的幽灵人质的敌对态度几乎到了极顶。
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
(overlapping) Suspect westbound on Olympic. Grey sedan. Has hostage, repeat...
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
Possible female hostage.
>> 极盗车神 Baby Driver Movie Script