
n. 厕所,盥洗室;梳妆,打扮


Then he moves to the booth, up to the old-fashioned toilet.>>完整场景
LUNA AZURA TOILET (WINTER 1945) MICHAEL steps into the small bathroom; he is breathing very hard. He actually uses the urinal. Then he washes his hands with the bar of pink soap; and dries them thoroughly.>>完整场景
I want somebody very good, very safe to plant that gun. I don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hand.>>完整场景
Clemenza, you gotta work fast to plant the gun. They got an old- fashioned toilet with a space between the water container and the wall. We can tape the gun behind there.>>完整场景
Not in a book that people are gonna read while they're on the toilet!>>完整场景
Yeah, I'm just a little on edge, that's all. Ever since I got to the temple, some nut has been attacking me with a stick – at night, in the toilet... anywhere! It's driving me crazy... Gao and Li look at each other, nodding.>>完整场景
You crawl up toilet walls just like a roach.>>完整场景
Fat, you better spray the toilet.>>完整场景
“You take ’em, Buf,” Mary said. “I’ll take the one that come in first.” “Well, maybe you will and maybe you won’t,” Buf said. “I seen him first, I oughta have dibs.” Newt almost began to wish he had followed the example of Pete Spettle. It was a hot night, and close in the hall. He felt he might be sick. Also, from listening to the conversation he realized they were the two whores Dish had described. The big one was the Buffalo Heifer, and the other one was the one Dish said treated him nice. The Buffalo Heifer still had her large hand on his shoulder as she looked the group over. She had a black tooth right in front of her mouth. Her large body seemed to give off waves of heat, like a stove, and the toilet water she wore was so strong it made him queasy.>>完整场景
“Was it me?” Newt asked, feeling that maybe he should have managed things better. “Was it just that he was quirting me?” “That was part of it,” Augustus said. “Call don’t know himself what the rest of it was.”“Why, he’d have killed that man, if you hadn’t roped him,” Dish said. “He would have killed anybody. Anybody!” Augustus, eating his candy, did not dispute it.IT WAS BECAUSE of the fight that the boys ended up amid the whores. Dish saddled and left, and Augustus finished loading the wagon and started out of town. When he turned the wagon around, Newt and the Raineys were talking to Pea Eye, who had been up the street getting barbered and had missed the fight. Pea Eye had so much toilet water on that Augustus could smell him from ten feet away. He and the boys were standing around the bloody anvil and the boys were explaining the matter to him. Pea didn’t seem particularly surprised.>>完整场景
“I guess we’ll try to find a ridge to camp on,” Jake said. “It would be nice to be upwind from these smelly beasts.” “Good God, Jake, if you’re that finicky you ought to have been a barber,” Augustus said. “Then you could smell hair oil and toilet water all day and never be offended.” He walked over and helped Lorena mount. The brown mare was restless and kept slinging her head.>>完整场景
They'll shave our heads, and we're gonna have to make root beer in the toilet.>>完整场景
180 INT. JORDAN’S ESTATE - MASTER BATHROOM - DAY (LATE SUMMER ‘95) 180 In his underwear, Jordan kneels over the toilet, stickinghis fingers down his throat to make himself vomit.>>完整场景
Princess Elizabeth is not used to this sort of thing. She's further appalled by the loud gurgling of a toilet being flushed, and startled by the entrance of - LIONEL LOGUE. He's in his forties, tall, with piercing eyes and charismatic features. His demeanor is friendly, but professional. The accent, although Australian, is not heavy, he is after all a speech therapist.>>完整场景
Wash his windows, scrub his toilet anything I could do to get my hands on that little clear pill that would bring back... Enhanced Eddie.>>完整场景
111 INT. DAVID'S HOUSE/BATHROOM - 1996 - DAY 111 LIPSKY (CONT’D) Padded toilet seat, looks like a rug.>>完整场景
263. Boil the oil soiled by the coil in the toilet lest it spoil.>>完整场景
Toilet paper?>>完整场景
INT. LAVATORY - JACK Jack is standing at toilet. He is jolted back and forth against the walls.>>完整场景
Gordy runs out. Phipps and others follow. OFF Brandt... 356 INT. BATHROOM 356 Brandt bursts in. He searches. Finds Mauro's leather doll behind the toilet. The head's detached. Brandt looks inside, and... We see a block of reddish Semtex plastic explosive and achemical fuse.>>完整场景
Beat. The bathroom TOILET FLUSHES. Selena emerges.>>完整场景
KATE nods. JAMES slams the toilet door closed as his stomach cramps again.>>完整场景
186 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - HOTEL - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 186 JAMES is on the toilet, clutching the phone, unaware of what everyone else is seeing on the screen.>>完整场景
She knocks on the toilet door.>>完整场景
Hello? ... He’s not available at the moment... Yes, I understand but he’s... I can’t interrupt him right at this minute... He’s on the toilet... Okay, I’ll see what I can do.>>完整场景