
adj.珍奇的;珍稀的;宝贵的;珍贵的;受珍爱的;被珍惜的;(表示气愤)宝贝似的;道貌岸然的 adv.强调极少或太少 n.可爱的人;女子名; price; preci+ous;


285. I highly appreciate the preceding man's precious precise exercise.
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You're really gonna choose now to talk about your precious little Bobby.
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(into mike) Listen, Kramer, I'm coming in. Do you hear me? I'm coming in right now! We have people up here who will die in less than an hour, never mind two. I may bend your precious airplane, but I'll get it down!
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Her precious pearls were flying like bullets.
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Depraved in every way Those dreary vows that everyone takes Everyone breaks Everyone makes divine mistakes The Iusty month of May The Iusty month of May That darIing month when everyone throws SeIf-controI away It's time to do A wretched thing or two And try to make each precious day One you'II aIways rue The month of ""Yes, you may."" A time for every FrivoIous whim Proper or ""im."" It's wiId!
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[Jace] You have to keep your precious payload alive, and you want it to pierce through the air in a beautiful parabolic trajectory.
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Thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel... Maleficent! ...steal something far more precious.
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Captain doesn't want to lose a single grain of that precious dust.
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Lt. Vasquez:

Precious cargo is intact and en route. We're almost at Highway 4 and should make visual contact shortly with 2nd platoon.They move to an LZ at the end of the city. A Sea Knight lands to pick them up.
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