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- Moss turns to scan the horizon. He looks at the tire tracks extending back from the truck. He thinks for a beat.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- EXT. RISE NEAR BASIN - MINUTES LATER Moss tops a rise. He scans the landscape below.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
INT. CHURCH - LATE AFTERNOON Malcolm moves to the front of the church down the center aisle. His eyes scan the empty seats. No one in sight in any direction. Malcolm stands in the aisle a little out of breath. He holds his hand to his side as he winces a bit. Malcolm's eyes float up to the balcony where toy soldiers sit on the bannister. Cole's head pops up.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script- CUT TO:
INT. BASEMENT - AFTERNOON Malcolm sits stoically at his desk in his basement. His eyes gaze at the dusty FRAMED CERTIFICATE FROM THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA shoved between two packing boxes. Malcolm leans his head back against the chair. Stares into the shadows. Drowns in his thoughts. Beat. THE CHAIR CREAKS as he slowly sits up again. Malcolm's eyes scan the room and come to a stop on a box marked with the label... "SESSION TAPES -- VINCENT GRAY">> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script- CUT TO:
INT. COLE'S HOUSE - NIGHT An unnatural silence fills each room of the house.The thermostat on the wall now reads, fifty-two degrees. A LIGHT TURNS ON FROM UNDER COLE'S DOOR. The door opens a crack. Cole's tiny face peeks out. Eyes scan the darkness. The door opens a little bit more. Cole's knees are pressed together. His body dances a little. Cole has to pee. He moves cautiously into the hall. Cole moves briskly to a door halfway down the corridor. Opens it. Cole turns on the LIGHT IN THE BATHROOM. He checks behind the shower curtain, before he turns his back and pees into the toilet. A LARGE FIGURE MOVES PAST THE DOORWAY. Cole instantly stops peeing. His body becomes very still. He slowly reaches for the toilet handle and flushes. He closes his pants and turns. He doesn't come out of the bathroom at first. He just stands there and stares into the darkness of the hall. HIS BREATH FORMS TINY CLOUDS IN THE COLD AIR. Beat. Cole finally steps out into the hallway. His eyes catch a SLANT OF LIGHT now coming from the kitchen. Cole hesitates before being drawn to the kitchen. He moves down the hall and turns the corner -- coming to a stop in the doorway of the kitchen.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script- CUT TO:
INT. CHURCH - DAY Only a few people sit and pray in the sea of oak pews. Malcolm scans the majestic room and finds what he's looking for in the last row of the church. He moves down the center aisle towards the back. Malcolm finds Cole playing in his pew with a set of green and beige plastic soldiers. Cole makes the soldiers talk to each other.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script- PARRISH:
- Thank God. Now could we go? Let's get this day started. Drew ushers everybody on, first Parrish, then Susan and Quince, Drew the last to climb on, shuts the door behind him As Allison hurries away from the whirling rotors. INT. ASTAR HELICOPTER - DAY The configuration of seats has Drew beside Parrish, in front of them Quince and Susan opposite each other in single seats. Just as Drew removes color-coded folders from his attache case and spreads them out for Parrish on his tray table, the pilot waves to Drew, indicating 'phone call'. Drew gets up and heads for the cockpit, Parrish scans the folders, glances over at Susan who is making some notes on a file of her own. He motions to her to please come sit beside him, she checks that Drew is still busy in the cockpit, tucks her papers into her carryall, and crosses over to Parrish who folds away the work that Drew set before him into his tray table, locks it.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script