
adj. 营业着的;敞开的;空旷的;公开的;坦率的


Evelyn runs in, snaps open the cabinet, grabs a bag of morphine sticks, and is about to run out again when she sees the Arizona go up.>>完整场景
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - DAY The battleship Arizona leaps into the air, the ship's spine is broken, it's guts ripped open in one explosive instant.>>完整场景
EXT. ANOTHER JAPANESE FORMATION OF BOMBERS - DAY These planes are different -- high altitude bombers with three-man crews, high above the harbor. The bombardier looks through his sight and the bomb bays open.>>完整场景
EXT. SKIES ABOVE PEARL HARBOR - DAY Danny and Rafe rejoin each other in the open sky; they've lost the Zeros. The P-40's are flying smoothly, side by side. The two pilots look across at each other, going into battle together. They speak through their radios.>>完整场景
INT. QUONSET HUT - DAY The other pilots run in, throw open the gun locker, and start grabbing weapons -- aircraft machine guns, ammo belts, one even grabs a rifle.>>完整场景
They open it; tools spill out -- among them is a hacksaw.>>完整场景
INT. HICKAM FIELD - BARRACKS - DAY The pilots of Danny's squadron have returned from their night of drinking and brawling and are crashed on their bunks. Red stirs and staggers toward the head; he bumps into the wall, backs up like a wind-up toy and lurches blindly forward again, into -- INT. BARRACKS - THE HEAD - DAY Red sleepwalks to the urinals and unleashes a marathon piss stream, still in his sleep. A rumble penetrates his brain, and his eyes come open a fraction. Through the window slits above the urinals, he can see a cloud of Japanese planes rushing past.>>完整场景
The mechanics and pilots, caught in the open, run from the strafing. The Zeros rake them down with machine gun fire.>>完整场景
The gun already has a belt of ammo in it -- apparently loaded by the gunner who lies beside it with his chest shot open.>>完整场景
CAPTAIN OF THE WEST VIRGINIA Stay calm! Find your positions. Medics, get the wounded to sick bay! Load and -- MORE TORPEDOES and BOMBS blast into the ship. A big chunk of shrapnel tears into the Captain and rips his stomach open.>>完整场景
Then they break open the lock -- and find the ammo box empty.>>完整场景
Under the bombing and strafing, they find a wrench and start pounding on the lock, trying to break open the ammo box.>>完整场景
CAPTAIN OF THE RALPH TALBOT We're five miles from Pearl Harbor and it's moving in from the open sea.>>完整场景
Then in another CUT we see him after he's been in the water for so long that his body no longer trembles; he's lost consciousness. He has no strength, no will to live... His face settles into the water...his body slips from his preserver, and drifts beneath the surface... EVELYN'S VOICE ...gather it's heat into my heart, and send it to you... IN FLASHBACK, Rafe beneath the surface... His eyes come open.>>完整场景
INT. P-40 - NIGHT Evelyn sits on Danny's lap, like Rafe sat in his Daddy's lap years before. Danny flies easily, the cockpit open, his arms slipped under hers.>>完整场景
Rafe tries to open his cockpit cover to clear the smoke, but it's jammed; he pulls out his .45 pistol and BLAM! BLAM!>>完整场景
(singing) Oh...Betty, Betty, Betty, you're the one for me, Betty, Betty, Betty, Betty, can't you see... Anthony and Billy look at each other, dumbfounded. The nurses move to the open windows. Red's singing is pretty good -- though not that good. But he doesn't stutter when he sings.>>完整场景
Anthony and Billy are baffled, even more so when Red strides into the open, right outside the nurses' window.>>完整场景
Beside her beer is an open ketchup bottle; he picks it up and swigs from that. Rafe and Evelyn see this, and try to keep from laughing.>>完整场景
I'll bust you open, you...German!>>完整场景
And open a b&b in Vermont.>>完整场景
Everything would be out in the open if Corleone dies.>>完整场景
Don't do anything. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.>>完整场景
Another step back; the door is still open.>>完整场景
FBI MAN #1 Frankie, open up. You okay?>>完整场景