
n. 二轮运货马车


The cart, preceded and followed by security guards, is then wheeled through the casino, into a private, counting room.>>完整场景
INT. TROPICANA HOTEL - CLOSE VIEW - DAY The money trays are carefully unloaded from the gaming tables, and put on a cart with others.>>完整场景
COUNTRY ROAD They continue through dusty country roads, where occasionally a donkey pulling a cart, or a lone horseman will pass them.>>完整场景
Barone, what's the use of those cart horses?>>完整场景
We don't need those cart horses anymore.>>完整场景
His mind's on a golf cart somewhere, halfway down the fairway.>>完整场景
Because I didn't spend all those Sundays working on your swing so you just ride around in a golf cart.>>完整场景
“He had two crutches, and once he got his rhythm he could skip along.” “Gus could have made a cart and got him a billygoat to pull it,” Bert Borum suggested.>>完整场景
“Maybe we can make a two-wheel cart,” Pea said. “There ain’t much wrong with the front of the wagon. It’s the back end that’s busted up.” “Dern, Pea, you’re a genius for figuring that out,” Augustus said.>>完整场景
They hug, then Jordan adds the gym bag to several otherson the back of his golf cart. Donnie tries to befriend Brad; Brad isn’t interested.>>完整场景
98A EXT. GOLF COURSE - DAY (OCT ‘92) As Jordan golfs with Donnie, Chester, Robbie, Toby andsome hookers, Brad pulls up in a golf cart with a cash- filled gym bag.>>完整场景
Seeing SECURITY GUARDS heading their way, a quick-thinking Sandra shoves a nearby cart into them, bowling them down.>>完整场景
Sandra looks. After a beat, the Blonde Woman turns again, semi-casually. Noticing that both Will and Sandra arelooking, she smiles a little before taking her cart to leave.>>完整场景
INT. GROCERY STORE - NIGHT Will shakes a shopping cart free from the pile-up while hismother checks her list.>>完整场景
139. The smart star starts to make cart chart for the commencement.139. 精明的明星开始制作授学位典礼用的马车图表。>>完整场景
In the b.g. the Elderly Woman staggers to her feet and is immediately run over by another electric cart.>>完整场景
In the b.g. an airline PORTER is transporting an ELDERLY COUPLE in an electric cart. They round the corner too fast and the woman falls out. Husband doesn't notice.>>完整场景
The bomb's in the cart.>>完整场景
The cart was stolen from the Central Park Precinct yesterday.>>完整场景
55 ON SCREEN 55 a police cart pulls up outside the consulate.>>完整场景
In b.g., a cop leaves his police cart to write a ticket.>>完整场景
195 INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - DAY 195 A MIDDLE-AGED MAN with a torn T-shirt covering his paunch knocks on the door. He is wheeling a trash cart.>>完整场景
Porthos' fury has just begun. He picks the fallen gunman up by the throat, slams him stomach down across a broken alley cart, and with one sweep of his mighty hand Porthos snatches down the man's pants.>>完整场景
EXT. HARDWARE STORE - DAY BRUCE wheels a shopping cart out of a MEGA-BOX STORE to his>>完整场景
He makes his way through the store. Blinking sweat. He bumps into a lady's cart, mumbles an apology, keeps going. Breaks into a trot. Down the aisle, cut to the left, through the door into the back rooms, faster and faster, running now, slamming through a door marked "Employees Only" into -- 286INT -- EMPLOYEE RESTROOM -- DAY 286 -- where he slams the door and leans heavily against it, shutting everything out, breathing heavily. Alone now.>>完整场景