
n. 同住者;居民


Szabo, you tell ajoke for a change Even a Jewish joke... we're very tolerant There was this commandant in a concentration camp, named Muller And he had a glass eye When the mood struck him, Commandant Muller would call over an inmate ...to prove to him the quality of German craftsmanship: If the prisoner could tell him which of his eyes was fake, he was spared If the prisoner guessed wrong, he'd be shot Jakob Korngold took a look at the commandant, and said 'Why, my Commandant, the left one is the glass eye 'How did you figure it out so quickly? ' Whereupon Jakob Korngold said 'You see, my Commandant, 'it's the one that favors me with a kindly look' Good joke, Szabo Very good joke And now, you, play the famous song for us!
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So far, just a female inmate loose in the yard.
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Inmate going to the infirmary.
>> 越狱 终结篇Prison Break: The Final Break Movie Script