
n. 滑车;装备;用具;扭倒


He looks around, disguisted as the crew fumble with the davits, and the tackle for the "falls"... the ropes which are used to lower the boats. A few passengers are coming out on deck, hesitantly in the noise and bitter cold.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
Secure the mast tackle, Mr. Turner!
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script
INT. BOAT DOCK - SUNSET Neri stands by the dock area under the boathouse. He pushes the button which lowers a boat by winch and tackle. He wears a fishing cap.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
Jenny runs to him. She’d tackle him if she could.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
Soups, knives, desalination tablets, dinghies, fish tackle, canned food... - ... shark repellent.
>> 孤筏重洋 Kon-Tiki (2012) Movie Script
He's not getting kicked out of this country again. It's not a clean or artful fight. There's no karate. It's four men trying to tackle a bull, and... The bull gets away.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
Without slowing, Reese leaps toward him, twisting in mid-air like a cat. The cop FIRES. Misses. Goes down under Reese's tackle and they slide together on the polished floor.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
The Housewife scrambles up on her feet, but is caught by a FLYING TACKLE from behind by The Bride that sends them both into........ An ornamental iron and tempered-glass bookcase that has framed family photos, display toys, some African art, and a collection of painted commemorative plates depicting the negro experience in the American military. Starting with a plate featuring Cripis Atkins in the revolutionary war, negro troops in union blue during the civil war, Buffalo soldiers fighting Indians, the Jim Crow troops of the first world war, the colored troops of world war two, Korea, Vietnam, and finally Colin Powell....The Bride and The Housewife CRASH THROUGH all this reducing everything to rubble.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
I'm proud of the progress we have made over the last three years. We have completed the work that David Cameron and George Osborne started. The deficit is almost eliminated. Our national debt is falling and we are bringing an end to austerity. My focus has been on ensuring that the good jobs of the future will be created in communities across the whole country, not just in London and the South East, through our modern industrial strategy. We have helped more people than ever enjoy the security of a job. We are building more homes and helping first-time buyers onto the housing ladder, so young people can enjoy the opportunities their parents did. And we are protecting the environment, eliminating plastic waste, tackling climate change and improving air quality. This is what a decent, moderate and patriotic Conservative government on the common ground of British politica can achieve. Even as we tackle the biggest peacetime challenge any government has faced. I know that the Conservative Party can renew itself in the years ahead, that we can deliver Brexit and serve the British with policies inspired by our values.
>> 梅姨辞职演讲