
vi. 专门从事;详细说明;[生]特化


And I see here, you also specialize in China?>>完整场景
.That's what I do, that's what I'm doing here. I'm trying to specialize in voir dire--jury selection. Clothes, hair, wedding ring, speaking style, likability-->>完整场景
LIPSKY (V.O.) Some writers specialize in the away- from-home experience. They’ve safaried, eaten across Italy, covered a war. Wallace offered his alive self... 7 INT. LIPSKY’S WEST END AVE APT/CLOSET - NYC - 2008 - DAY 7 Lipsky rummages closet shelves until he locates a particularshoe box labeled “DFW.” He opens the box: inside are amotley bunch of audio tapes - eight or nine of them - numbered, scrawled with dates from four days in March 1996.>>完整场景
Rangers specialize in reports from distant places.>>完整场景
Someone financed him with this shop. He specialize in converting air guns.>>完整场景