
n. 瞬间;重要时刻;指定时刻;重要,契机


Everyone is busy, and even the wounded are looking out for each other; a man with his arms in an airplane splint holds a spoon and feeds a badly burned buddy. Evelyn and her overworked nurses are looking after the critical cases. But as she covers the windows with blackout curtains, she stops for just a moment to stare at the sun's last rays.>>完整场景
On the ground, at the open-air market, for a brief moment Radio Tokyo goes silent; then -- TOKYO ROSE (ON THE RADIO) We interrupt this broadcast... Tokyo is being bombed!>>完整场景
He starts pacing back the other way, as if the ship's longer in that direction. The other pilots watch him for a moment, then follow him, counting again.>>完整场景
Danny's anger flares for a moment -- but Rafe's hit home.>>完整场景
Rafe sees her first, but stops and looks away as Danny moves to her. For a moment he studies her eyes, and she does not look away.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny brace the dinghy so it doesn't move; but they still don't see what Dorie is after as he fishes down in the water, for something barely at the surface; he works for a moment, then pulls it up.>>完整场景
Critical -- front ward!... Give him morphine, he can't wait... The next body through is a pilot, wings on his uniform, his chest riddled with bullets -- and his face shot off. For a moment Evelyn falters, then she forces herself to check the dog tags... It isn't Rafe or Danny. Evelyn sags in guilty relief.>>完整场景
EXT. AIR ABOVE OAHU - DAY The nose of Danny's plane is pointed right at the harbor and he sees the sudden devastation of the Arizona. It is a sight so awesome it freezes him for a moment.>>完整场景
For a moment she's frozen, then she actually sees the shock wave traveling across the bay and through the trees like an invisible wall. She's trying to cross her arms over her face, and dive to the floor, just as the windows blow out from the concussion, and glass flies over everything.>>完整场景
Their innocence, like America's, is gone in that moment.>>完整场景
We must go ahead. This is our moment.>>完整场景
Danny's speechless, and for a moment Evelyn is too.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny stare at each other; Danny hesitates, looking from Rafe to Evelyn, wondering what they've said. Then Rafe looks at Evelyn, and picks up the look on her face. In that moment he puts it all together.>>完整场景
At these words, she looks at him for a long, long moment.>>完整场景
Daniel Walker?... Danny rises from his bunk and accepts the telegram. As the message boy leaves, Danny reads... The news he learns stuns him... EXT. BENCH - OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL - NIGHT Rafe is still lost in thought. He hears steps running up -- and sees Danny -- who spots him at the same moment.>>完整场景
IN THE PRESENT...Rafe's face winces with the memory, and he rivets his eyes on Evelyn, as if to force himself to know that this moment is real.>>完整场景
Rafe's Spitfire hits the broken fog over the water -- the Squad Leader loses sight of it for a moment -- and then the plane hits, splashing and exploding all at once.>>完整场景
Coma's head drifts forward slowly; they think for a moment he's looking for something under the bed. Then he pukes.>>完整场景
Danny pauses for a moment, then shouts -->>完整场景
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Gentlemen, at this moment the nation of Hungry has a larger military then the United States. We have no choice but to draw from whatever we can.>>完整场景
Rafe instantly climbs again. Nigel, in the moment of safety Rafe has bought him, bails out, his chute blossoming and carrying him toward the water. The OTHER BRITISH PILOTS are impressed.>>完整场景
Maybe not. But I need you to know. I love you. And I will come back. I'll find a way. And then we'll get a chance to know if what I felt the first moment I saw you, and every minute since then, is real.>>完整场景
As the nurses laugh -- EXT. NEW YORK TRAIN STATION - NIGHT Our pilots -- indeed leather-jacketed and handsome -- are waiting on the platform. Among then is Rafe, holding something behind his back, as the train pulls in and shudders to a stop, clouds of steam jetting onto the platform and giving the moment a dream-like haze.>>完整场景
Then the synthetic cdo was the atomic bomb with a drunk president holding his finger over the button it was at that moment in that dumb restaurant with that stupid look on his face that mark baum realized the whole world economy might collapse!>>完整场景
Nephew from this moment on call yourself Vincent Corleone.>>完整场景