
adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的


Everyone stay calm!
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script
SAILOR FLASHLIGHT Breathe easy. Stay calm.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
INT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - DAY The once-pristine hospital with its glowing white beds is now a bloody chaos. Every bed is already full; there are burned and broken people on the floor -- soldiers, sailors, civilians, firemen, all mixed in together. People are dying everywhere, and screaming in pain, or moaning and begging for help. At first we don't see Evelyn, and wonder if she survived the glass; then we see her, flecks of her own blood dotting her face and arms. The blood of soldiers on her surgical apron. A steel calm has replaced her earlier frenzy, even as the other nurses are breaking down.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
CAPTAIN OF THE WEST VIRGINIA Stay calm! Find your positions. Medics, get the wounded to sick bay! Load and -- MORE TORPEDOES and BOMBS blast into the ship. A big chunk of shrapnel tears into the Captain and rips his stomach open.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - DAY The American ships are lined up at anchor, calm, placid.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
like everybody said:
"Ok, that was crazy, let's just all calm down!"
>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
DEANNA (O.S.) Goddamn you! You're all nuts here, I'm not goin' to calm down... MICHAEL'S VIEW Through the door, that Rocco opens.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
VIEW ON MICHAEL, calm, thoughtful. One can tell that he has special affection for his niece.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
(Sicilian O.S.) ...misery to any family who harbors the boy, Vito... INT. A BARN - NIGHT Four little girls watch with wide eyes as their mother and father bind Vito tightly in swaddled cloth, and then lift him up to the side of a mule; counter-balancing a heavy load of firewood. The father looks at the boy's almost stoically calm little face.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
No. I want things very calm for another six months.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
The kitchen door swings open. He moves quickly and takes her by the arm. He is deliberately calm.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
Signora Pioppi, calm down.
>> 1900 Movie Script
Now, now, now. Calm down, Ferrara.
>> 1900 Movie Script
You f***ing calm down!
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
- Peter! Calm down!
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
One would always choose to mull these things over in the... the sensible calm of the proper quiet places.
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
You bringer of calm and goodness to the world.
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
But if we don't hurry then Sonic... Calm down, Tails!
>> 刺猬索尼克 1996 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Script
ANGLE ON DREW: His face calm.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
Calm down, calm down.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
Cholo was watching her to see if she was hurt. He loved Clara completely and tried in small ways to make life easier for her, although he had concluded long before that she wasn’t seeking ease. Often in the morning when she came down to the lots she would be somber and would stand by the fence for an hour, not saying a word to anyone. Other times there would be something working in her that scared the horses. He thought of Clara as like the clouds. Sometimes the small black clouds would pour out of the north; they seemed to roll over and over as they swept across the sky, like tumbleweeds. On some mornings things rolled inside Clara, and made her tense and snappish. She could do nothing with the horses on days like that. They became as she was, and Cholo would try gently to persuade her that it was not a good day to do the work. Other days, her spirit was quiet and calm and the horses felt that too. Those were the days they made progress training them.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Here, take him, I just helping him up,” he said. Only then he saw it was too late—the young man couldn’t stop coming and couldn’t stop hating, either. His eyes were wild with hatred. Deets felt a deep regret that he should be hated so by this thin boy when he meant no harm. He tried to sidestep, hoping to gain a moment so he could set the baby down and wrestle with the Indian and maybe calm him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Clara devoted five minutes to trying to persuade him to settle somewhere on the Platte. “There’s cheap land not three days’ ride from here,” she pointed out. “You could have the whole north part of this state if you wanted it. Why go to Montana?” “Well, that’s where we started for,” he said. “Me and Call have always liked to get where we started for, even if it don’t make a damn bit of sense.” “It don’t, and I wish I knew of some way to divorce you from that man,” Clara said. “He ain’t worth it, Gus. Besides, the Montana Indians can outfight you.” “You bought these here Indians off with horses,” he said. “Maybe we can buy those in Montana off with beef.” “It bothers me,” Clara said. “You ain’t a cattleman. Why do you want to be so stubborn? You’ve come far enough. You could settle around here and be some use to me and Lorie.” It amused Augustus that his Lorie had been adopted as an ally by his old love. The old love and the new stood by his horse’s head, neither of them looking quite calm. Clara, in fact, was getting angry; Lorena looked sad. He hugged them both and gave them each a kiss.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Every time they topped a ridge and saw the tiny flame of the campfire, July tried to calm himself, tried to remind himself that it would be almost a miracle if Elmira were there. Yet he couldn’t help hoping. Sometimes he felt so bad about things that he didn’t know if he could keep going much longer without knowing where she was.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He’s young and innocent,” Augustus said. “That’s why I picked him. He’ll just moon over her a little. If I’d sent one of the full-grown rowdies, Jake might have come back and shot him. I doubt he’d shoot Newt.” “I doubt he’ll even come back, myself,” Call said. “That girl ought to have stayed in Lonesome Dove.” “If you was a young girl, with life before you, would you want to settle in Lonesome Dove?” Augustus asked. “Maggie done it, and look how long she lasted.” “She might have died anyplace,” Call said. “I’ll die someplace, and so will you—it might not be no better place than Lonesome Dove.” “It ain’t dying I’m talking about, it’s living,” Augustus said. “I doubt it matters where you die, but it matters where you live.” Call got up and went to catch his night horse. Without thinking, he caught the Hell Bitch again, though he had just turned her loose. One of the Spettle boys looked at him curiously and said nothing. Call saddled the Hell Bitch anyway and rode around the herd to see that all was in place. The cattle were calm, most of them already bedded down. Needle Nelson, perennially sleepy, dozed in his saddle.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇