n. 货车,四轮马车
- Cal guides them out of the path of a horse-drawn wagon loaded down with two tons of OXFORD MARMALADE, in wooden cases, for Titanic's Victualling Department.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- We got to stop that wagon.>> Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script
- Angrily, without another word, Kay turns away from him, and walks to her children, ignoring the running station wagon.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- He walks with her a little way from the others; the children run out of the station wagon, and start to play.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- VIEW BY MICHAEL'S HOUSE Kay exits her house, followed by her children; she helps them into her station wagon like any housewife, and drives along the path leading to the main gate.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- Look, the wagon will hide us from Fartface.>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
- And his wagon starts, and as it does,>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- Yellin stands on a wagon in the midst of all the scuffling.>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- Call remembered he had told the young couple that he only had a short way to travel. It showed that his mind was probably going, for he had no place in particular to travel at all. Worn out, and with a festering wound, he was in no shape to turn back for Montana, and Jerry, the dun, could never have made the trip, even if he himself could have. He didn’t know that he wanted to go back, for that matter. He had never felt that he had any home on the earth anyway. He remembered riding to Texas in a wagon when just a boy—his parents were already dead. Since then it had been mostly roaming, the years in Lonesome Dove apart.
电话里记得他告诉这对年轻夫妇,他只有很短的路要走。这表明他的头脑可能在动,因为他根本没有特别的地方去旅行。他疲惫不堪,伤口溃烂,无法返回蒙大拿州,而那个黄褐色的杰瑞,即使他自己能去,也永远无法成行。就这点而言,他不知道他想回去。他从来没有觉得自己在地球上有家。他记得当他还是个孩子的时候,他坐着马车去了德克萨斯州——他的父母已经死了。从那以后,它大部分时间都在漫游,除了在孤独鸽子的那些年。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “There,” he said. “This will teach me to be more careful about what I promise.” He used the plank with “Hat Creek Cattle Company and Livery Emporium” on it as a crossbar, tying it to a long mesquite stick, which he drove into the ground with a big rock. While he was tying the crossbar tight with two saddle strings, a wagon with settlers in it came along the ridge. They were a young couple, with two or three children peeking shyly around them, narrow-faced as young possums. The young man was fair and the sun had blistered him beet-red; his young wife had a bonnet pulled close about her face. It was clear that the grave marker puzzled them. The young man stopped the wagon and stared at it. Not having seen him put Augustus under, they were not sure whether they were looking at a grave, or just a sign.“Where is this Hat Creek outfit, mister?” the young man asked.
“在那里,”他说。“这会让我对自己的承诺更加小心。”他用那块上面写着“帽溪牛公司和Livery Emporium”的木板作为横杆,把它绑在一根长的豆科木棍上,然后用一块大石头把它压到地上。当他用两根马鞍绳把横杆系紧时,一辆载有定居者的马车沿着山脊驶来。他们是一对年轻夫妇,有两三个孩子害羞地在他们周围偷看,脸像小负鼠一样窄。这个年轻人很漂亮,太阳把他晒得通红;他年轻的妻子把一顶帽子紧紧地戴在脸上。很明显,墓碑让他们很困惑。年轻人停下马车,盯着它看。没有看到他把奥古斯都放在下面,他们不确定自己是在看坟墓,还是只是在看一个标志。“先生,帽子溪的衣服在哪里?”年轻人问。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- As Call was getting into his wagon, a newspaperman ran up, a red-headed boy scarcely twenty years old, white with excitement at what he had just seen.
当Call正要上车时,一个新闻记者跑了过来,一个刚满二十岁的红发男孩,对他刚才看到的一切感到兴奋。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- On the day of the hanging the square in front of the courthouse was packed with spectators. Call had to tie his animals over a hundred yards away—he wanted to get started as soon as the hanging was over. He worked his way to the front of the crowd and watched as Blue Duck was moved from the jail to the courthouse in a small wagon under heavy escort. Call thought it likely somebody would be killed accidentally before it was over, since all the deputies were so scared they had their rifles on cock. Blue Duck was as heavily chained as ever and still had the greasy rag tied around his head wound. He was led into the courthouse and up the stairs. The hangman was making last-minute improvements on the hangrope and Call was looking off, thinking he saw a man who had once served under him in the crowd, when he heard a scream and a sudden shattering of glass. He looked up and the hair on his neck rose, for Blue Duck was flying through the air in his chains. It seemed to Call the man’s cold smile was fixed on him as he fell: he had managed to dive through one of the long glass windows on the third floor—and not alone, either. He had grabbed Deputy Decker with his handcuffed hands and pulled him out too. Both fell to the stony ground right in front of the courthouse. Blue Duck hit right on his head, while the Deputy had fallen backwards, like a man pushed out of a hayloft. Blue Duck didn’t move after he hit, but the deputy squirmed and cried. Tinkling glass fell about the two men.
绞刑当天,法院前的广场上挤满了观众。Call不得不把他的动物绑在一百码外——他想在绞刑结束后马上开始。他一路走到人群的前面,看着蓝鸭在严密的护送下被一辆小货车从监狱搬到法院。Call认为很可能有人会在比赛结束前意外身亡,因为所有的代表都非常害怕,他们把步枪都拔了起来。蓝鸭像以前一样被重重地拴着,头上的伤口上还绑着那块油腻的抹布。他被带进法院,上了楼梯。刽子手在最后一刻对吊绳进行了改进,Call转头看去,以为他在人群中看到了一个曾经在他下面服务过的人,这时他听到了一声尖叫和突然的玻璃破碎声。他抬头一看,脖子上的头发都竖起来了,因为蓝鸭子正戴着镣铐在空中飞翔。这名男子摔倒时,似乎露出了冷酷的笑容:他设法从三楼的一扇长玻璃窗里钻了进去——而且也不是一个人。他用戴着手铐的手抓住戴克副警长,也把他拉了出来。两人都倒在法院正前方的石头地上。蓝鸭正好撞到他的头上,而副警长却向后倒了下去,就像一个被推下草垛的人。蓝鸭打后一动不动,但副手却扭动着身子哭了起来。叮当作响的玻璃杯落在两个人身上。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- Call took the opportunity to have a blacksmith completely rebuild the buggy. The blacksmith had lots of wagons to work on and took three days to get around to the buggy, but he let Call store the coffin in his back room, since it was attracting attention.
Call借此机会让铁匠彻底重建了马车。铁匠有很多马车要修,花了三天时间才找到马车,但他让Call把棺材放在他的后屋,因为它很引人注目。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- Everyone in the Territory wanted to see Blue Duck hanged, it seemed. The little town was full of cowhands, with women and children sleeping in wagons. There was much argument, most of it in favor of hanging Blue Duck instantly lest he escape. Parties were constantly forming to present petitions to the sheriff, or else storm the jail, but the latter were unenthusiastic. Blue Duck had ranged the llano for so long, and butchered and raped and stolen so often, that superstitions had formed around him. Some, particularly women, felt he couldn’t die, and that their lives would never be safe.
似乎领土上的每个人都想看到蓝鸭被绞死。小镇上到处都是牛仔,妇女和儿童睡在马车里。有很多争论,大多数都赞成立即绞死蓝鸭,以免他逃跑。各方不断组织起来向治安官请愿,或者冲进监狱,但后者并不热心。蓝鸭在拉诺游荡了这么久,经常被屠杀、强奸和偷窃,以至于他周围形成了迷信。有些人,尤其是女性,觉得他不会死,他们的生命永远不会安全。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “I owe him a debt for cleaning out that mangy bunch on the Canadian,” Goodnight said. “I’d have soon had to do it myself, if he hadn’t.” “Well, he’s past collecting debts,” Call said. “Anyway he let that dern killer get away.” “No shame to McCrae,” Goodnight said. “I let the son of a bitch get away myself, and more than once, but a luckier man caught him. He butchered two families in the Bosque Redondo, and as he was leaving a deputy sheriff made a lucky shot and crippled his horse They ran him down and mean to hang him in Santa Rosa next week. If you spur up you can see it.” “Well, I swear,” Call said. “You going?” “No,” Goodnight said. “I don’t attend hangings, although I’ve presided over some, of the homegrown sort. This is the longest conversation I’ve had in ten years. Goodbye.” Call took the buggy over Raton Pass and edged down into the great New Mexican plain. Though he had seen nothing but plains for a year, he was still struck by the immense reach of land that lay before him. To the north, there was still snow on the peaks of the Sangre de Cristo. He hurried to Santa Rosa, risking further damage to the wagon, only to discover that the hanging had been put back a week.
“我欠他一笔债,因为他清理了加拿大人身上那堆肮脏的东西,”晚安说。“如果他没有的话,我很快就得自己做了。”“好吧,他已经不再收债了,”Call说。“不管怎样,他让那个现代杀手逃走了。”“麦克雷不丢脸,”晚安说。“我自己让这个狗娘养的逃脱了,不止一次,但一个更幸运的人抓住了他。他在博斯克雷东多屠杀了两个家庭,在他离开时,一名副警长幸运地开枪打伤了他的马。他们把他撞倒了,打算下周在圣罗莎绞死他。如果你振作起来,你就能看到。”“好吧,我发誓,”Call说。“你要去吗?”“不,”晚安说。“我不参加绞刑,尽管我主持过一些本土的绞刑。这是我十年来最长的一次谈话。再见。”Call驾驶着马车越过拉顿山口,缓缓驶入新墨西哥州的大平原。虽然他一年来只看到了平原,但他仍然被面前广阔的土地所震撼。北面,基督山的山峰上还下着雪。他匆忙赶到圣罗莎,冒着马车进一步损坏的风险,却发现绞刑已经放回一周了。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- When the plains darkened and they went in to supper, Lorena still stood by the wagon. The meal was eaten in silence, except for little Martin’s fretting. He was used to being the center of gay attention and couldn’t understand why no one laughed when he flung his spoon down, or why no one sang to him, or offered him sweets.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- By luck, the same day, Call saw a buggy for sale. It was old but it looked sturdy enough, and he bought it. The next day he had the coffin covered in canvas and lashed to the seat. The buggy hood was in tatters, so he tore it off. Greasy, the mule, was used to pulling the wagon and hardly noticed the buggy, it was so light. They left Miles City on a morning when it had turned unseasonably cold—so cold that the sun only cast a pale light through the frigid clouds. Call knew it was dangerous to go off with only two animals, but he felt like taking his chances.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- They had given up cowboying for mule skinning the year before and concluded they had made a bad mistake. Then a tallboy named Jim wandered in alone. He had been with a wagon train but had lost interest in getting to Oregon.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “He was all right until Ma died and Sister died,” he said. “We were in a wagon train. Then he just went daft and said we had to go off by ourselves. I didn’t want to.” “I wish he hadn’t taken our horses,” Call said.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “No, thanks, I know my way to the kitchen well enough,” she said, standing up. This time she neither hugged him nor took his hand; she walked past him without a look. All he could do was follow her downstairs. Lorena and the girls had already made breakfast and Cholo came in to eat. July didn’t feel hungry. The fact that Clara was displeased took his appetite away. He tried to think why she might be displeased, but could come up with no reasons. He sat numbly through breakfast and went out the door feeling that it would be hard to get his mind on work. He needed to repair the wheel of the big wagon, which had cracked somehow.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Yes, and colder too,” Jasper said. “I’ve got my feet practically in the fire and my dern toes are still frozen.” Dish found to his annoyance that his own breath caused his mustache to freeze, something he would not have imagined could happen. The men put on all the clothes they had and were still terribly cold. When the storm blew out and the sun reappeared, the cold refused to leave. In fact, it got colder, and formed such a hard crust on the snow that the men slipped and fell just going a few feet to the wagon.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “All that way to Texas,” Lippy kept saying. “I wager the Captain won’t do it.” “I’ll take that wager,” Dish said. “He and Gus rangered together.” “And me too,” Pea Eye said sadly. “I rangered with them.” “Gus won’t be much but a skeleton, if the Captain does do it,” Jasper said. “I wouldn’t do it. I’d get to thinking of ghosts and ride off in a hole.” At the mention of ghosts, Dish got up and left the campfire. He couldn’t abide the thought of any more ghosts. If Deets and Gus were both roaming around, one might approach him, and he didn’t like the thought. The very notion made him white, and he pitched his bedroll as close to the wagon as he could get.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Or his dern pigs, if they’re so smart,” Soupy said. Both pigs were under the wagon. Pea Eye, who slept in the wagon, had to listen to their grunts and snores all night.Only the Irishman seemed sympathetic to Gus’s stance. “Why, it would only have left half of him,” he said. “Who wants to be half of himself?” “No, half would be about the hips,” Jasper calculated. “Half would be your nuts and all. Just your legs ain’t half.” Dish Boggett took no part in the conversation. He felt sad about Gus. He remembered that Gus had once lent him money to visit Lorena, and this memory lent another tone to his sadness. He had supposed Gus would go back and visit Lorena, but now, clearly, he couldn’t. She was there in Nebraska, waiting for Gus, who would never come.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Newt heard the facts from Dish, who soon rode around the herd, telling the boys. Many of them loped into the wagon to get more details, but Newt didn’t. He felt like he had the morning he saw Deets dead—like turning away. If he never went to the wagon, he would never have to hear any more. He cried all afternoon, riding as far back on the drags as he could get. For once he was grateful for the dust the herd raised.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Call nodded. He knew he would have to tell the story, but didn’t want to have to tell it a dozen times. He trotted on over to the wagon, which Lippy was driving. Pea Eye sat in the back end, resting. He was still barefoot, though Call saw at once that his feet were better. When he saw Call riding in alone he looked worried.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇