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My first response... Was, to offer him some money.>>完整场景
No-one on the planet is betting against double-a's the banks will think we're either high, or having a stroke and they'll take every dime we have to offer!>>完整场景
This is wall-street Dr. burry, if you offer us free money, we're going to take it my one concern is, is that.. Eh..>>完整场景
A swimming suit or swimming costume is a piece of clothing designed to be worn while swimming. It covers a person's body and reduces friction while swimming. Most swimsuits are designed to cover the body from the shoulder to the groin and extend below the waist One-pieces. Swimsuits are often made of spandex or polyester. Polyester suits are more durable and offer better UV protection than other materials. Lycra suits provide better Fit, Support, and Comfort than other materials.>>完整场景
I turned Houstan down; I didn't see why I should tell you about an offer I turned down.>>完整场景
My offer is this. Nothing...not even the thousand dollars for the Gaming Commission, which I'd appreciate if you would put up personally.>>完整场景
I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.>>完整场景
(quietly) I understand I've offended you by talking about your daughter. I offer you my apologies, I'm a stranger in this country, I don't know the customs very well. Let me say this, I meant no disrespect to you or her... CALO and FABRIZZIO are impressed.>>完整场景
LUCA looks at him; he had no idea the offer would be so good.>>完整场景
Luca, I am worried about this man Sollozzo. Find out what you can, through the Tattaglias. Let them believe you could be tempted away from the Corleone Family, if the right offer was made. Learn what he has under his fingernails...>>完整场景
I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.>>完整场景
No, it's a very attractive offer, and you know I would love to work with you guys.>>完整场景
The hotel might not offer breakfast.>>完整场景
This is the last offer you're gonna get.>>完整场景
You gonna offer me a drink?>>完整场景
-- offer me everything I ask for -->>完整场景
-- offer me money -- And now the six-fingered sword strikes and there is a slash bleeding along one of Rugen's cheeks.>>完整场景
If you swim back now, I promise, no harm will come to you. I doubt you will get such an offer from the Eels.>>完整场景
Clara’s eyes were flashing. “I told you how sickness frightens me,” she said. “The only times I’ve ever wished I could die is when I’ve had to sit and watch a child suffer.” She was twisting one hand in the other. July, seeing that she was shivering, took off his coat and held it out to her, but Clara ignored the offer.>>完整场景
“Well, you are, though,” Augustus said. “Trod carefully.” It was then that the conviction struck Pea Eye that he would never see Gus alive again. Mainly what they were into was just another Indian fight, and all of those had inconveniences. But Gus had never sustained a wound before that Pea could remember. The arrows and bullets that had missed him so many times had finally found him.After the handshake, Gus treated him as if he were already gone. He didn’t offer any messages or say another word. Pea Eye wanted to say something else, but couldn’t think what. Feeling very disconsolate, he waded into the cold water. It was far colder than he had supposed. His legs at once felt numb. He looked back once and could dimly see the cave, but not Gus.>>完整场景
“No,” Clara said, but July sat down anyway. He felt he should offer to rock his son, but knew the baby would just cry louder if he took him away from Clara. The minister finally fell asleep on the sofa and then, to their surprise, rolled off onthe floor and began to snore loudly.>>完整场景
“We hung your man for you,” Call said. “He fell in with a bad bunch. We caught them up in Kansas.” For a second, July didn’t remember what he was talking about. It seemed a life ago that he had left Fort Smith in pursuit of Jake Spoon. He had long since ceased to give the man any thought. The news that he was dead did not affect him.“I doubt I would have caught him myself,” July said. “I had horse trouble, up around Dodge.” When Clara got back to the house she was in high color. The way Call had stood there silently, not even asking a question or making an offer, just waiting for her to come down on the price, struck her as arrogant. The more she thought about it, the less hospitable she felt toward the man.>>完整场景
There’s one they call the Buffalo Heifer—somebody would have to offer me a month’s wages before I’d get near her, but I expect she’d do for you sprouts. You can’t expect top quality your first time off.” As they were talking, a party of some half-dozen soldiers came riding up the street, led by the big scout, Dixon.>>完整场景
He remembered what she had said when she told him she was going to marry Bob—that she would want his friendship for her daughters. He would at least go and offer it; besides, it would be interesting to see if the girls were like their mother.>>完整场景
“Yes, she’ll know you’re a human being,” Augustus said. “You don’t have to duck your head to nobody. Half the women in this country probably started out like you did, working in saloons.” “She didn’t,” Lorena said. “I bet she was always a lady. That’s why you wanted to marry her.” Augustus chuckled. “A lady can slice your jugular as quick as a Comanche,” he said. “Clara’s got a sharp tongue. She’s tomahawked me many a time in the past.” “I’ll be afraid to meet her, then,” Lorena said. “I’ll be afraid of what she’ll say.” “Oh, she’ll be polite to you,” Augustus assured her. “I’m the one that will have to watch my step.” But no matter what he said, he couldn’t soothe the girl’s agitation. She felt she would lose him, and that was that. She offered her body—it was all she knew to do. Something in the manner of the offer saddened him, though he accepted it.>>完整场景