
n. 测验;考试


INT. MEDICAL EXAM - DAY Vito is stripped to the waist, as other immigrants wait.>>完整场景
How many questions will be on the geography exam?>>完整场景
She's failed the geography exam twice.>>完整场景
He's already passed that exam.>>完整场景
He's already failed the English exam twice.>>完整场景
I'm sure that he'll fail the exam.>>完整场景
Did she pass or fail the exam?>>完整场景
I got an A on English exam.>>完整场景
He passed the physics exam.>>完整场景
I'm prepraring for the chemistry exam.>>完整场景
She hasn't prepared for the chemistry exam yet.>>完整场景
Have you taken the geography exam yet? >>完整场景
But he could take the freshman exam and then be in my class, couldn't he?>>完整场景
There's a fun fact for your final exam.>>完整场景
He was tricked into taking drugs.
John cheated in the exam, and the teacher kicked him out of the class.
He conned her into believing he was ill.
Don't make up a lie to deceive us.
Because I'm not suing him for cheating on his final exam and so that's not what friends do.>>完整场景
Mr. 2uckerberg was cheating on his final exam?>>完整场景
Is it possible to have a serious coronary condition, where the initial warning signals were so mild as to escape a physician during a routine medical exam?>>完整场景
You should finish the exam by noon on Tuesday. Please remember to send it to me before 12 p.m. on Tuesday.>>完整场景
Nurse Harper, she's giving an ear exam or some sh*t like that.>>完整场景
But the test scores on the practice exam were 35% below passing.>>完整场景
In one hour, you're going to take an exam administered by the state to test your basic skills and the quality of education at eastside high.>>完整场景
You people represent the 70% of our students who just failed the practice exam.>>完整场景
It's a war to save 2,700 other students, most of whom don't have the basic skills to pass the state exam.>>完整场景
In two weeks, we have a practice exam and the minimum basic skills test on april 13th.>>完整场景