n. 十一;十一个
- FBI AGENT #1 Number eleven, small seashell with a hole in it... That was found in the getaway car used in thebombing in New York.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- Eleven.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- murderers and their fascist puppetsfrom committing further acts ofrepression against the people ofColombia,' unquote... TwoColombian officials and an American military officer diedin last Thursday's blast. Also killed were Anne Pitt, wife of a New York City firefighter, andtheir only child, four-year-oldMatt... The President has vowed that the United States will avengewhat he called 'this monstrous act of barbarism and cowardice'... Intelligence sources say theidentity and whereabouts of TheWolf remain a mystery. Theybelieve he has worked closely withradical elements in Latin America for more than twenty years andhave linked him to numerous terrorist bombings, including the1983 downing of a Peruvianairliner, which killed forty-twopeople, eleven of themAmericans... The head of the Latin America Indigenous People'sCommittee, a group known to besympathetic to the radicals inColombia, talked to News Six in Queens.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- When I was eleven, I was so in love with this boy, Nino Viti...he lived in this big house...Oh, he was so handsome, and he had a scooter... While Sylvia goes on, Johnny enters, fresh out of the shower.>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
- Eleven.>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
- DISPATCHER (V.O.) ...two eleven in progress at Seven-Eleven market, Third and Tamarac. One suspect believed to be armed... The car pulls out with lights and siren on.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- (continuing) If they can get this on the tube by eleven, she may just call us.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- Eleven.>> Stay Hungry Movie Script
- Eleven major conflicts involving thirty-two countries in less than a decade... A gunrunner's wet dream.>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
- The only question is... how do we arm the other eleven?>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
- THE BRIDE(V.O.) (continued) ....if O-Ren Ishii, the first name on my Death List, was still alive... she'd live in Japan. O-Ren Ishii, made her first acquaintance with death at the age of eleven.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- Eleven dollars and twenty-three cents.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- Fourteen thirteen twelve, eleven, ten.>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script