
adj. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的;热望的;炫耀的


Mr Corleone's ambitious programme to expand this real estate company into an international conglomerate... lMMOBlLlARE TAKEOVER LlKELY>>完整场景
“Oh, my, they done put a gun on you, ain’t they,” Deets said with a big grin. “I guess next thing you’ll be boss of us all.” No thought that ambitious had ever crossed Newt’s mind. The summit of his hopes had been to be one of the crew—to be allowed to go along and do whatever there was to do. But Deets had said it as a joke, and Newt was in the perfect mood to take a joke.>>完整场景
Call it an overture to something much more ambitious.>>完整场景
ANTHONY AMADO: (shouts through clamor) We’re ambitious, that’s why!>>完整场景
INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT As ARMED GUARDS search the halls below the stage, Ping andJing shut the door to their dressing room. At the closet, they start to change outfits. Off-stage, their personalitiesbecome quite apparent: Ping is brash, bitchy and ambitious, while Jing is quiet, sweet and bookish.>>完整场景
Well, given where you're heading, some of our ideas are a bit ambitious.>>完整场景
225. I feel a bit of bitterness for his ambitious exhibition.>>完整场景
Over-educated, irrepressibly ambitious.>>完整场景
At the sound of the latch Sarah jerks as if struck, and cringes involuntarily. Vukovich enters with Traxler and DR. PETER SILBERMAN, a criminal psychologist. Silberman is smooth of skin and manner, young, ambitious and...fat. He is enthusiastic about the workings of the human psyche, as emotionally involved as someone pulling the wings off a fly.>>完整场景
In the 1960's, the government of Botswana embarked on an ambitious project to protect the country's wilderness.>>完整场景