adj. 及格的;短暂的;经过的;目前的
- Just about everybody in the room wilts at another decision- maker passing the buck.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- BENSON can’t believe WOODALE is passing the buck.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- 67 EXT. CREECH AIR FORCE BASE - NEVADA DESERT - NIGHT 67 Steve’s car crosses a desert runway, passing open hangars with fighter jets and Reaper drones visible within.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- But the test scores on the practice exam were 35% below passing.>> 铁腕校长Lean on Me Movie Script
- She can’t actually be at the table, she’ll need to take a step back, and can be here passing through.>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
- He looks out the window as they drive up La Cienega, passing the Beverly Center at sunset.>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
- SIDE ANGLE - PASSING TRUCK-TRAILER, bullets strafe across it as the pickup vanishes behind. Terminator skids the bike, barely missing an abutment, and is forced onto an OFF-RAMP.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- She hold out her thumb to passing traffic.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- As the entrance, ARMED SENTRIES with dogs are passing in new arrivals: men wearing mismatched uniforms or rags and carrying all types of weapons from lasers to shotguns.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- Traxler turns to a passing DETECTIVE.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- He gazes dully at the tracks of a passing CATERPILLAR as they chew through the dirt.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- ANGLE - COP, passing the end of a long aisle B.G. while in the F.G. a hand ENTERS FRAME, removing a knit shirt from a hanger. Reese slips the shirt on quietly and does a fast crab-walk across the aisles to melt into the other racks and shadows, CAMERA MOVING LOW with him.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- I've seen Thor keep girls up here three or four days... before he even think about passing out. Come on, girls.>> Stay Hungry Movie Script
- EXT. PALACE GARDEN - NIGHT D'Artagnan rides away quickly, passing -- without seeing -- Lieutenant Andre, who has been watching him.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- The ball continues, the music exuberant. Michelle wanders away, like a blind lamb. Phillippe and his mother sit side by side, holding hands, their reunion passing in private between their clasped hands, and glistening in their eyes.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- In fact, I often saw it running alongside the dogs as they raced across the dirt yard, barking at passing cars or people. If the dogs went left, the rooster went left. They'd go right, and dang if that rooster didn't go right as well. Now I don't know if this is a regular condition for roosters.>> Poultry Slam 1995 家禽
- I shall enjoy passing on the good news, sir.>> 水性杨花 Easy Virtue Movie Script
- Yes, but there were a lot of hidden costs associated with his passing.>> 水性杨花 Easy Virtue Movie Script
- 89.Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has become increasingly cautious in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen is collections.>> 托福100个句子积累7000个单词
- EXT. FARM ROAD - IOWA - DAY A black car drives along a dirt road, a cloud of dust rising behind. Passing through an endless expanse of ripening corn.>> 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script
- The entire area is radioactive, so both teams wear full protection. To distinguish teams, wear these – A soldier starts passing out RED ARMBANDS...>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- He checks the phone – a blinking dot half a mile away – he GUNS it, FISHTAILING unexpectedly... EXT. HIGHWAY – CONTINUOUS We see the fire fight from before IN REVERSE – Neil laying down fire from between cars, Kat carried ‘back’ to the Audi... Behind Neil, Sator, MOVING FORWARDS, checks the glove compartment of the BMW... NOTHING. FUMING, he heads back to the Mercedes, DUCKING behind cars, bullets FLYING... INT./EXT. SAAB – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist pulls onto a busy highway where the cars are FACING HIM, BUT MOVING IN HIS DIRECTION... The Saab races along, the only normal-looking car on a road full of cars SPEEDING BACKWARDS... On the phone, the flashing dot is CLOSER... Slowing, the Protagonist spots the ORANGE CASE lying empty by the side of the road. He PULLS OVER some distance away – JUMPS out of the car – pulls out his BLUETOOTH EARPIECE and WEDGES it between the foam padding and the orange plastic... The Protagonist heads back to his car, checks the signal from his phone... PEERS at the case... The case SHUDDERS TO LIFE – LEAPS INTO THE WINDOW OF A PASSING CAR – THE MERCEDES – The Protagonist PEELS OUT, DUST FLIES UP IN CLOUDS THAT DON’T FULLY BLOSSOM as expected, but CONTRACT... The Protagonist STRUGGLES with the wheel, trying to keep the car on the road with its unaccustomed handling... Christ!>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- The Protagonist gives the figure a JAUNTY SALUTE. No response. The Protagonist ZIPS back towards shore, passing the yacht’s launch. He waves at Volkov.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Then you are exceedingly lucky... The Protagonist turns to her... BARBARA (CONT'D) An inverted bullet passing through your body would be devastating. The inverse radiation would spread through your body. Like polonium poisoning. Not pretty.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- The Protagonist gets in. The GPS is already set... EXT. OFFICE COMPLEX – LATER A bland suburban office park. The Protagonist gets out of the car, wearing his hi-viz and carrying a clipboard. Heads inside, passing numerous STAFF coming out... INT. LOBBY, OFFICE COMPLEX – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist moves through the lobby unimpeded. Checking the tenant listings he sees – ‘WINDFARM TRANSITIONS – B-2’.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script