
adv. 在楼上,向楼上;往楼上;上楼


“Yes, today we feast,” Clara said. “I asked Cholo to hitch the little wagon. One of you go change that baby, he’s rather fragrant.” “I’ll help,” Lorena said. It surprised Augustus, but she went off upstairs with the girls. Clara stood listening as their footsteps went up the stairs. Then she turned her deep-gray eyes on Augustus.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Upstairs, sick,” Clara said. “A horse kicked him in the head. It’s a bad wound.” For a second, remembering the silent man upstairs, she thought how unfair life was. Bob was slipping away, and yet that knowledge couldn’t quell her happiness at the sight of Gus and his friends. It was a lovely summer day, too—a fine day for a social occasion.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Have you had a good walk?” he asked, offering Newt a piece of cold meat. Newt took it but discovered once he sat down that he was too tired to eat. He went to sleep with a hunk of beef still in his hand.CLARA WAS UPSTAIRS when she saw the four riders. She had just cleaned her husband—the baby was downstairs with the girls. She happened to glance out a window and see them, but they were still far away, on the north side of the Platte.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“It depends on how long you intend to stay upstairs,” Dish said. “I met a nice one named Mary, but they ain’t all like her.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
So he got up and followed Jennie up the stairs, walking carefully so as not to embarrass himself. He got upstairs all right, but before they could get to Jennie’s room he began to feel wrong. His stomach began to float higher than he was. It began to float right out of his mouth.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Hell, I’m the only one of your customers that’s taken a bath this year,” Jake complained. “You could take up with bankers and lawyers, and the sheets wouldn’t stink so.” “I like ’em muddy and bloody,” Sally said. “I ain’t nice, this ain’t a nice place, and it ain’t a nice life. I’d take a hog to bed if I could find one that walked on two legs.” Jake had seen hogs that kept cleaner than some of the men Sally Skull took upstairs, but something about her raw behavior stirred him, and he stayed with her and paid the daily ten dollars. The cowboys that came through were very poor cardplayers, so he could usually make his fee back in an hour. He tried other whores in other saloons, skinny ones and fat ones, but with them a time came when he would remember Lorena and immediately lose interest. Lorena was the most beautiful woman he had ever known, and her beauty grew in his memory. He thought of her often with a pang, but also with anger, for in his view it was entirely her own fault that she had been stolen. Whatever was happening to her, it was her punishment for stubbornness. She could easily have been living with him in a decent hotel in Austin or Fort Worth.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
So many people think we saved them from the Indians that if you was to bring charges against us, and any of the boys that rangered with us got wind of it, they’d probably hang you. Anyway, whacking a surly bartender ain’t much of a crime.” “John, I’d advise you to stop your name-calling,” Tobe said. “You’re acting too hot. You’d best just apologize and bring me a whiskey.” “I’ll be damned if I’ll do either one,” John said, and without another word stepped over the fallen bartender and wentback upstairs.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But she wasn’t there. At the saloon he asked Renfro, the barkeep, if he knew of a whore who had left town lately, but there were only two whores in town, and Renfro said they were both upstairs asleep.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But with Jake so out of sorts there was nothing to do but go upstairs. She gave Lippy a cool look as she got up, which surprised him so it made his lip drop.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He kilt that bandit,” Lippy said. “Hit him right in the Adam’s apple, I’ve heard.” “The truth of that is, the bandit rode into the bullet,” Augustus said. “He was unlucky, like the dentist.” Lorena just sat. The situation was so unexpected that she could not think about it clearly. Of course she had no intention of going upstairs with Gus, but he couldn’t just be scared off with a look like some cowboy. Gus was not afraid of looks—or of Jake either, it seemed.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
She was the one who suggested they go upstairs, mainly because she was tired of Lippy and Xavier listening to everything they said. On the way up she noticed that Jake was favoring one foot. It turned out one of his ankles had been broken years before, when a horse fell on him—the ankle was apt to swell if he had to ride hard for long stretches, as he had just done. She helped him ease his boot off and got him some hot water and Epsom salts. After he had soaked his foot for a while he looked amused, as if he had just thought of something pleasant.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, much obliged then,” Dish said. “I’ll see you in the fall if not sooner.” “There’s no need for you to ride off tonight,” Augustus said. “You can throw your blanket down on our porch, if you like.” “I might do that,” Dish said. Feeling rather awkward, he rehitched his horse and went to the door of the Dry Bean, wanting to get upstairs before Lorie turned off her light.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You know, prices are funny,” he said. “I’ve known a good many sporting girls and I’ve always wondered why they didn’t price more flexible. If I was in your place and I had to traipse upstairs with some of these old smelly sorts, I’d want a sight of money, whereas if it was some good-looking young sprout who kept himself barbered up, why a nickel might be enough,” Lorena remembered Tinkersley, who had had the use of her for two years, taken all she brought in, and then left her without a cent.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Um, I've been upstairs in the dressing room doing lots of stretches and warm-ups.
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From upstairs, it sounded like that Sabre Dance.
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- I've got the keys to the car upstairs.
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Naomi heads back upstairs. Jordan picks up the phone.
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They disappear upstairs.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
79 INT. BEACH HOUSE - SOUTH HAMPTON - (LATER THAT) DAY 79 GORGEOUS PEOPLE dance/drink/snort coke. Upstairs, Jordanplays pool with Sea Otter, Donnie, Robbie, Toby andRugrat, assigning ludes with every pocketed ball.
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CARMINE POLITO: (very upset) No, please, Dolly, just go upstairs. Take the kids and go upstairs!
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JOSEPHINE: Your father had a stroke. He’s upstairs with your mom and Dr. Bennett.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - DUSK We follow Will, looking into his and Josephine’s room. He aims for the guest room at the end of the hall.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
INT. BLOOM HOUSE / STAIRS - DAY Will is headed upstairs when his mother comes around thecorner with an armful of laundry, including her wet dress.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT [CONTINUOUS] Will, back from the grocery store, reaches the top of thestairs. He hears voices coming from the bedroom.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY Shutting the door behind himself, Will drinks the rest of theEnsure himself. Edward was right. It tastes horrible.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script