
adj. 不公平的,不公正的


You were unfair with them.>>完整场景
“Upstairs, sick,” Clara said. “A horse kicked him in the head. It’s a bad wound.” For a second, remembering the silent man upstairs, she thought how unfair life was. Bob was slipping away, and yet that knowledge couldn’t quell her happiness at the sight of Gus and his friends. It was a lovely summer day, too—a fine day for a social occasion.>>完整场景
She had fat legs, but she was always friendly, Maggie. Of all the whores he had known, she was the easiest to get along with. The thought crossed his mind that he ought to have married her and not gone rambling. If he had, he wouldn’t be in such a fix. But he felt little fear; just an overpowering fatigue. Life had slipped out of line. It was unfair, it was too bad, but he couldn’t find the energy to fight it any longer.>>完整场景
He walked to the edge of the porch and looked up the street, hoping to see Elmira standing in it. In all his years as a deputy he had never heard of a woman just getting lost, and it seemed unfair that it should happen to July’s wife. There was nobody in the street but a fanner with a mule team.>>完整场景
“I swan,” Pea said, “Jake’s slipped off again. He sure don’t take to branding.” “Mr. Jake, he don’t take to work,” Deets said with a chuckle. “It don’t have to be branding.” Newt went on chopping wood, a little bothered by the fact that Jake had such a bad reputation with the men. They all considered him to be a man who shirked his duties. Mr. Gus worked even less and nobody seemed to feel that way about him. It was puzzling and, to Newt’s mind, unfair. Jake had just returned. Once he got rested, perhaps he would be more interested in the work.>>完整场景
This is so unfair!>>完整场景
321. I met a fairly unfair affair upstairs.>>完整场景
I'm just saying, if you two back out now it's totally unfair!>>完整场景
It's so unfair.>>完整场景
Well, I've already had a glass. So unless you want to win by an unfair advantage, you should have a glass of wine. So we're both on the same footing wine wise.>>完整场景