
adj. 危险的;冒险的;(作品等)有伤风化的


When the market deems a bond too risky to buy, what do you think we do with it?>>完整场景
Chris... Somewhere along the line, these Bs and bb's went from a little risky to dogshit.>>完整场景
But, they're a little risky, sometimes they fail.>>完整场景
The fact is that these mortgage backed securities are filled with extremely risky sub-prime adjustable rates.>>完整场景
No...how a man makes his living is none of my business. But this proposition of yours is too risky.>>完整场景
“What’s that for?” little Eddie asked. “You’ve already shot ’em and hung ’em.” “Yes, and now I intend to burn them,” Dan said. “Any objections from you schoolteachers?” He looked at all three of them, challenge in his angry eyes. No one said a word. Jake felt sickened by what was happening, but he didn’t try and stop it. Dan Suggs was crazy, there was no doubt of that, but his craziness didn’t affect his aim. The only way to stop him would be to kill him, a risky business in broad daylight.>>完整场景
“Well, that’s all the supper,” Louisa said. “What about my proposition?” “I can’t,” Roscoe said, putting it as politely as he knew how. “If I don’t keep on till I find July I might lose my job.” Louisa looked exasperated. “You’re a fine guest,” she said. “I tell you what, let’s give it a tryout. You ain’t had enough experience of women to know whether you like the married life or not. It might suit you to a T. If it did, you wouldn’t have to do risky work like being a deputy.” It was true that being a deputy had become almost intolerably risky—Roscoe had to grant that. But judging from July’s experience, marriage had its risks too.>>完整场景
In fact, it proved an impossible thing. She wouldn’t have him, or Jake either, and yet she married Bob Allen, a man so dumb he could hardly walk through a door without bumping his head. They soon went north; since then, Augustus had kept his ears open for news that she was widowed—he didn’t wish Clara any unpleasantness, but horse trading in Indian country was risky business. If Bob should meet an untimely end—as better men had—then he wanted to be the first to offer his assistance to the widow.>>完整场景
While Rodman and Roth made fees for bringing Chinese companies to the U.S., the real paydays came when the companies listed on major stock exchanges Their analysts would recommend the risky stocks as great investments, and then their salesmen-- like Matt, would push them on their investment network.>>完整场景
Look, it's risky, Red. I mean, you heard the geologist.>>完整场景
- No, it's too risky.>>完整场景
- Risky?>>完整场景
- No, it's too risky.>>完整场景
Can you buy her bread? JAMA replies: Very risky for me.>>完整场景
It's too risky.>>完整场景
It's risky, coming here.>>完整场景
Too risky and too expensive.>>完整场景
The knife moves towards the Protagonist’s throat... Risky.>>完整场景
It's risky, Michael.>>完整场景