
n. 丛林,密林;危险地带


Well I think, even just a little higher, you get more valleys but you get less jungle because it's thicker as you get towards the river, you know ?>>完整场景
I rode a motorcycle through the jungle with a pack of raptors.>>完整场景
Every living thing in this jungle is trying to murder the other.>>完整场景
- They're going back to the jungle.>>完整场景
B121EXTJUNGLEDAY ROBERT MULDOON creeps slowly through the jungle foliage, tracking his prey. He ducks and walks through a hollow log, underneath a fallen tree, following the RUSTLING sound up ahead of him.>>完整场景
103 He squats near the hole, looking at the ground. He sees three sets of footprints. He follows them with his eyes. They head off in different directions, but all in the jungle foliage on either side of them.>>完整场景
102AEXTPATHDAY MULDOON and ELLIE emerge from one path and come into a slightly more open area. The huge raptor pen stands silently, surrounded and penetrated by jungle, the abandoned goon toward looming over it like a haunted house.>>完整场景
The main compound feels different now - - it belongs more to the jungle than to civilization. Muldoon has the big gun in his hands.>>完整场景
101EXTJUNGLEDAY GRANT, TIM, and LEX scrambles through the jungle, completely out of breath, exhausted. They arrive at the base of the big electrical fence that surrounds the main compound.>>完整场景
The three of them take off, across the meadow, toward the relative cover of the jungle. It's a real footrace, but the herd is far faster, and Grant knows they're not going to make it.>>完整场景
Over at the edge of a great open field, a huge tree marks the border between the open area and the thick of the jungle.>>完整场景
The tyrannosaur SMASHES out of the jungle foliage, bursts onto the road, and runs straight at them, moving at least thirty miles an hour.>>完整场景
They lead into the jungle and disappear.>>完整场景
82OMITTED 83EXTPARK GROUNDSNIGHT The rain has all stopped now. GRANT and LEX are at the bottom of the large barrier leading up to the park road. Like it or not, they're in the park now, and are surrounded by think jungle foliage on all sides. They're both beaten up, and Grant's face is covered in blood.>>完整场景
IN THE PARK, the fences are retaining walls are covered with greenery and growth, to heighten the illusion of moving through a jungle.>>完整场景
The jungle seems to grow very quiet. They all stare at the motionless crane line. It jerks suddenly, like a fishing pole finally getting a nibble. There's a pause - - - - and then a frenzy. The line jerks every which way, the jungle plants sway and SNAP from some frantic activity within, there is a cacophony of GROWLING, of SNAPPING, of wet CRUNCHES that mean the steer is literally being torn to pieces and is almost makes it worse that we can't see anything of what's going on - - - - and then it's quiet again. The line jerks a few times, then stops. Slowly the SOUND of the jungle starts up again.>>完整场景
As they watch, a giant crane lowers something large down into the middle of the jungle foliage inside the pen. Something very large.>>完整场景
The third structure isn't really a building at all, but the impressive cage we saw earlier, overgrown inside with thick jungle foliage. The jeeps pull up in front of the visitor's center.>>完整场景
Outside the fences, the jungle has been encouraged to grow naturally.>>完整场景
Now everything happens at once. The WORKER THUDS to the jungle floor, the crate jerks away from the mouth of the holding pen flash, an alarm BUZZER sounds - - - - and a claw SLASHES out from inside the crate. It sinks into the ankle of the WORKER. dragging him toward the dark mouth between the crate and the pen. The WORKER SCREAMS and paws the dirt, leaving long claw marks as he is rapidly dragged toward the crate.>>完整场景
FROM INSIDE THE CRATE, we get glimpses of what's on the other side of those wooden slates - - jungle foliage, MEN with rifles, searching searchlights.>>完整场景
It's a bulldozer. It drops its scoop and pushes forward into the back end of the crate, shoving it across the jungle floor towards an impressive fenced structure that towers over an enclosed section of thick jungle. There's a guard tower at one end of this holding open that makes it look like San Quentin.>>完整场景
It's quiet for a second. A ROAR rises up from the jungle, deafening. The trees shake as something very, very large plows ahead through them, right at us. Every head gathered in this little clearing snaps, turning in the direction of the sound as it bursts through the trees.>>完整场景
But not before a MATCHING CRY is heard in the jungle. Grant stops, not certain he heard it. But there it is AGAIN.>>完整场景
He points to a heavy crane assembly, designed for lifting cages off the large boats. Now well accustomed to fleeing on command, Amanda sends Eric up first, climbing the scaffolding like a jungle gym.>>完整场景