
vt. 侵略;侵袭;侵扰;涌入


What if the Japanese did invade?>>完整场景
Whether America plans to invade Switzerland in the coming months.>>完整场景
From that day Tao tie rise every 16 years to invade northern China.>>完整场景
Let's not invade Russia in the winter.>>完整场景
l need you to invade Primo and find the flight logs for Lieutenant Wade.>>完整场景
A bunch of people with strangely hyperdeveloped skills and powers, who are going to invade Hitler's bunker.>>完整场景
In return, do we have to invade Polynesia on behalf of Peru?>>完整场景
Mother always imagined we'd join forces and invade Surrey.>>完整场景
Anything at all on when they plan to invade Holland?>>完整场景