
adv. 按照推测;恐怕;可能


Sh*t our friend Michael burry found out, that these mortgages bonds that were supposedly 65 percent AAA, were actually just, basically full of sh*t.>>完整场景
Also, there were still renegade bands of Kiowas and Comanches loose on the plains. The bands were supposedly scattered—at least that was the talk in south Texas—and the trade in captives virtually dead.>>完整场景
And, supposedly, they were quite sophisticated.>>完整场景
* From here on end, whenever ENGLISH is spoken by The Bride, or every once in awhile by Pai Mei, it will be spoken in ENGLISH IN LIVE SYNCH SOUND. However, whenever MANDARIN is supposedly spoken, it comes out of their mouths as DUBBED ENGLISH like in a 70's Shaw Brothers Chop Socky Flick.>>完整场景