
n. 碎片,残骸


INT. ABANDONED TENNEMENT. LOBBY - NIGHT All around the lobby lies SQUAD ONE, unconscious. THE BATMAN kicks the steel door shut and RE-CLASPS THE LOCK, then climbs over the debris and up the elevator shaft.>>完整场景
The SWAT TEAM enters the lobby. The top floors have collapsed down the staircase filling the area with rubble. The elevator shaft is piled with debris. Water pours from the ceiling.>>完整场景
THE BAT-MAN falls just ahead of debris from the explosion. He hits the floor, HARD, and rolls under the staircase as half the building collapses around him.>>完整场景
Inserts a fuse, LIGHTS IT, and gets away fast — BOOM! — a huge EXPLOSION lights the night sky and sends debris flying in all directions.>>完整场景
Forrest empties the net. Their "catch" is debris that falls to the deck.>>完整场景
“people stumbling around in the debris of dreams they thought they were entitled to” 😳😮🤩🔥🙌 this is absolute poetry!>>完整场景