
n. 渴望;饿,饥饿


It comes now, drawn with ravenous hunger to the man what bears the black spot.>>完整场景
Sea ghouls. Devil fish. Dreadful in hunger for flesh of man.>>完整场景
You will forget about hunger if you listen to me.>>完整场景
Doomed to hunger.>>完整场景
The hunger of it, the pure American desire.>>完整场景
You've gone mad from hunger.>>完整场景
“Ma’am, it’s got to nurse,” Clara said. Elmira made no objection when the baby was put to her breast, but the business was difficult. At first no milk would come—Clara began to fear the baby would weaken and die before it could even be fed. Finally it nursed a little but the milk didn’t satisfy it—an hour later it was crying in hunger again.>>完整场景
He considered offering to let her ride double, but before he could mention it she ran on ahead. Not only could she walk faster than a possum could run, she could run faster than Memphis could walk. He had to put the horse into a trot to keep up with her. By the time they got to the creek, Roscoe felt lightheaded from the combination of hunger and wasp stings. His vision was swimming again, as it had when he was drunk. A wasp had got him close to one eye; soon the eye swelled shut. His head felt larger than it usually did. It was a very inconvenient life, and, as usual when traveling got bad, he felt resentful of July for having married a woman who would run off.>>完整场景
As if reading his hunger from his expression, the girl quickly moved to strengthen her case. “I can catch varmints,” she said. “Bill taught me the trick. Mostly I can outrun ’em. I can fish if you’ve got a hook.”“Oh,” Roscoe said, “I guess you caught that possum then.” The girl shrugged. “I can walk faster than possums can run,” she said. “If we can get to the creek I’ll fix them stings.” The stings were burning like fire. Roscoe decided there would be no impropriety in letting the girl go as far as the creek.>>完整场景
The memory of the frying possum crossed his mind, reminding him that he was very hungry. What with the wasp stings on top of the hunger, it was difficult to express himself clearly, or even to think clearly, for that matter.>>完整场景
“I’ve reasoned it out,” Augustus said. “You could have done the same if you ever stopped working long enough to think.” “I can work and think too,” Call said. “You’re the only man I know whose brain don’t work unless it’s in the shade.” Augustus ignored the remark. “I figure it was a Kiowa on his way to steal a woman that lost that mare,” he said. “Your Comanche don’t hunger much after señoritas. White women are easier to steal, and don’t eat as much besides. The Kiowa are different. They fancy señoritas.” “Can we eat or do we have to wait till the argument’s over?” Pea Eye asked.>>完整场景
David! The upper classes are terrified anything which clouds the monarchy makes their situation more dangerous. Hunger marchers are singing the "Red Flag" in front of Westminster...demanding a republic...I've seen them...>>完整场景
I got hunger pains, baby.>>完整场景
EXT. PARIS STREETS - DAY Magnificent public buildings -- palaces and cathedrals -- grace the city's skyline, but here in central Paris all is squalor. On a narrow, filthy street, beggars bother the sullen city peasants who are weak with hunger themselves.>>完整场景
To make her hunger for a bite.>>完整场景
If you hunger for righteousness, you will be filled... through me.>>完整场景