
n. 平等;相等;[数]等式


My sister is all about gender equality now.>>完整场景
For my method to succeed there must be mutual trust, complete honesty, and total equality. That process takes place in my consultation room. No exceptions.>>完整场景
FBI SURVEILLANCE AGENT Know what cracks me up about commies? They're all 'equality this, equality that,' and they're all chauvinists. Listen to that f***ing guy.>>完整场景
And Democrats today never tire of lecturing Republicans about racial equality, but it was the Democratic Party that fought against the Fifteenth Amendment, refusing to give slaves the right to vote.>>完整场景
Democrats today call themselves the party of social justice, but they fought to block the Fourteenth Amendment that gave citizenship to blacks and established equality of rights under the law.>>完整场景
[D'Souza] ''The Democrats are the party of economic opportunity, social justice, and racial equality. '' That's their pitch.>>完整场景