
n. 平面图;计划


Do you have any plan for tomorrow?
>> 13. Evening and Free Day Activities
The FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early) preaches the value of aggressive saving and prudent investing. Many people who adhere to FIRE principals don't even plan to retire early—but they do want the ability to make choices without being tethered to a traditional day job.
>> FIRE生活
You've got the brains.You can make decisions. You can study the plan. You can change your life.You can grow immensely in the next few years.You can make your dreams come true.You can build a financial wall around your family. Nothing can get through. You can become healthy, you can become powerful. Why not you?
>> Why not you? why not now?
mostly we do have a simple practice plan, we do regularly and do consistently, so that we can become fluent.we need to have a way that we practice our English and stick to it, keeping do it regularly without changing. when to change is important, but changing all the time is not a good thing.it's one of the biggest things that keeps students from becoming fluent.
>> Experience in learning English
Look, I don't know what else I can say. I'm not sitting at home every night, twisting my mustache and hatching a plan to ruin the boy's life. But it's important to start early. I was doing advanced mathematics at eighteen and it still took me twenty-three years to do something worthy of a Field's medal.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
You ever plan on payin' your tab?
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
Will, you've managed to offend four of my colleagues so much that they refused to come back. You're meeting with the leading hypnotist in the country next week and Tom and I plan to sit in on the sessions, so I expect you to behave appropriately.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
There's always Plan B.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
The plan worked! I'm very clever!
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
Give me some love! The plan worked!
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
This is the plan?
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
- What's the plan?
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
The plan failed.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
Your brilliant plan has failed.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
It could be said that my plan is working in a very good working kind of way.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
Soon we will put my excellent plan to action.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
So my genius plan is this: We will make the New York giants our friends and keep them close.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
Don't worry. I have a plan to get us rescued.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
- Wait. I have a plan.
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
First they tell you, "We got this great open plan thing. Let animals run wild."
>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
Yes, I can manage my time well. I like to make daily schedules and plan my activities ahead. I also try to complete my tasks on time.
>> questions
Hey, it’s our trip! The beauty of not making reservations ahead of time is that we can change our plans if we want.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
So our plans have changed. As Henry said, it would be disappointing to try to find where a fictional event might have taken place, because we might get there only to find a Home Depot sitting on the location. Instead of driving through the plains of Kansas and Nebraska (in the beginning of tornado season), we will spend more time in Texas. We will leave Lonesome Dove in our imagination.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
I'm telling you , if you do this in front of your client's face, I mean during a face to face meeting or call your client, there are 80% even 90% of the chance your client will give you a schedule, and when they are going to place next order. so you can make a plan accordingly . I'm going to follow up after 2 weeks or after 2 months.
>> Your price is way too high
Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan.
>> 2024-9 stadium, gym naked