
vt. 驾驶;控制,引导


So be sure you steer clear.
>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
- [ Cheering Continues ] [ Patch ] Pork packers, rump wrappers, bull shippers, - [ All Laughing ] - Lend me your steers !
>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
Over steer and under steer?
>> Senna Movie Script
Bit of under steer on the first lap, then on the second lap, it's just changing balance.
>> Senna Movie Script
There was a bit more under steer.
>> Senna Movie Script
Since we can barely steer and way off course, I mean.
>> 孤筏重洋 Kon-Tiki (2012) Movie Script
- We can't even steer.
>> 孤筏重洋 Kon-Tiki (2012) Movie Script
We'll get more momentum to steer with.
>> 孤筏重洋 Kon-Tiki (2012) Movie Script
Can't sail it. Or steer it.
>> 孤筏重洋 Kon-Tiki (2012) Movie Script
(yelling) Steer!
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
The propeller at the back gives us the ability to steer instead of merely drifting along with the wind current.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
99.It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate and steer clear of obstacles------or locate flying insects on which they feed. This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.
>> 托福100个句子积累7000个单词
To bring a steer to slaughter, it's 75 gallons of oil.
>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
How do you even steer?
>> The Pirate Fairy Movie Script
Neil hands him a phone. The Protagonist sticks a Bluetooth earpiece in his ear, passes into the airlock – Wheeler shuts it behind him. Then opens the OUTER DOOR... EXT. YARD, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist emerges into a strange world – the air feels different, the friction of his feet on the asphalt feels different. He looks up at birds flying backwards... at steam contracting... at a pile of dust sucking itself bigger... In the yard he spots the SAAB... he runs over, finds the keys sitting on the front tyre – INT./EXT. SAAB – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist LOOKS in the glove box – NOTHING – LOOKS in the wheel well – NOTHING – the back seat – NOTHING. He gives up – starts the engine... pulls out, gently, feeling out the strange handling of the vehicle... INT./EXT. SAAB, TALLINN STREETS – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist steers the car around BACKWARDS-MOVING TRAFFIC and BACKWARDS-WALKING PEDESTRIANS, MARVELLING... People STARE at the car as it approaches, as if they already know a backwards-driven car is heading their way (which, of course, they do).
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
GORDON steers to block the escape of one GANG MEMBER, O'NEIL.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
I think you steer with the pedals and these levers.
>> 硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script
EXT. EAGLE PASS STREET - NIGHT The pickup bounces but Moss, sitting fully up, can now steer.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
The passenger side window shatters:
we are passing the gunman. Now Moss sits up to steer looking out front. Behind him through the shot-out back window the dark street is suddenly punctured by muzzleflash. It comes, for the first time, with
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
Forrest slides back and forth as he attempts to steer the boat.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
EXT. BAYOU - DAY Forrest steers his shrimping boat. The boat is old and rusty.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
-Did he? -JUDY:

Yeah. He wasn't any kind of a cowboy. He couldn't rope a steer to save his life, but he loved to ride. Oh, and this was some dance or other. Your father loved to cut a rug.
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script