
n. 祖父母;祖父或祖母;外祖父母;外祖父或外祖母


With her, it was different. He had never raised a hand to her, though she provoked him often, and deeply. Perhaps it was because he had never quite believed that she would marry him, or never quite understood why she had. The shadow of Augustus McCrae had hung over their courtship; Bob had never known why she chose him over the famous Ranger, or over any of the other men she could have had. In her day she had been the most sought-after girl in Texas, and yet she had married him, and followed him to the Nebraska plains, and stayed and worked beside him. It was hard country for women, Bob knew that. Women died, went crazy or left. The wife of their nearest neighbor, Maude Jones, had killed herself with a shotgun one morning, leaving a note which merely said, “Can’t stand listening to this wind no more.” Maude had had a husband and four children, but had killed herself anyway. For a time, Clara had taken in the children, until their grandparents in Missouri came for them. Len Jones, Maude’s husband, soon drank himself into poverty. He fell out of his wagon drunk one night and froze to death not two hundred yards from a saloon.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
And while Flynn's loyalists hope for his imminent return, there is perhaps no one who wishes it to happen more than young Sam Flynn, now in the care of his grandparents, and heir to an empire in turmoil.
>> 创:战纪 TRON: Legacy Movie Script

(OVER PHONE) Hello? -Hi, it's me. How was the trip? Uh, it was a little... Are you okay? Did Dad say something awful to you? No, Dad's dead. Really? He died while I was still at the airport and this Amanda woman called to tell me. I don't understand, so you... So you're still at the airport? No, I decided to come to Texas anyway. -What? -(TOMMY SQUEALING) Um, I gotta go, I'll, I'll call you later. (CONTINUES SQUEALING) Come on, get in. Why can't this just wait until tomorrow? It just can't. Anyway, I thought you might want to see your daddy before they take him over to the funeral home. I don't wanna be rude, but I think that I can wait to see him. Okay, look, can I be 100% honest with you, Ellie?Okay. Technically, me and your daddy ain't exactly married on account of I'm still married to some no-good son of a b*tch -who lives up near Houston. -I don't understand. I need someone to officially sign some forms so they can release his body to the undertakers. -Someone who's family. -I see. I knew you were coming, I didn't wanna make your grandparents have to do it. Who?
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script