n. 当地居民;本地新闻;局部
- Shall we go over the local itinerary?>> 4 Going over the itinerary
- You can find your way back with the help of the locals.>> 3 checking in
- I'm your local guide.>> 2. Metting the Group
- Now, if we hop back onto local host, and we try to log in with first the wrong password. we're actually gonna see something here , when I added the authentication, it added another gem, it added bcrypt, that's what we're using to keep password secure, so we have to hop back in here and restart our development server!>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- When it is nested, we get the fact that it's gonna be slash post slash on slash comments, and we have the association is set up nicely. Now, let's reload! Now it works, we have our comments field underneath. we can add the first comment. And as you can see here, this is my first comment a second ago that was the local time doing its time ago conversion.
当它被嵌套时,我们得到的事实是,它将是斜线后斜线对斜线注释,并且我们已经很好地建立了关联。现在,让我们重新加载!现在它工作了,我们在下面有我们的评论字段。我们可以添加第一条评论。正如你在这里看到的,这是我一秒钟前的第一条评论,当时当地时间正在进行时间转换。>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company- time_tag comment.update_at, "data-local": "time-ago">> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- We are pacing in the comment, and we're using that same time tag as we were using with the post, but this time, we are going to use time ago, so we get that nice two minutes ago on when something went posted rather than a local time spelled out with AM PM set up.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- bin/importmap pin local-time>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- zoo:
- And we will give it a format for what it should do with UTC timestamp, and turning it into a local time that we can have a look at.So if I reload here, you see it is November 13th, by the time of my recording at 3:28 PM in my local time zone, but actually underneath, the time tag is gonna be in UTC. That means we can cache this, and anyone around the world will still get the time displayed in their local time.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- <%=time_tag post.updated_at, "data-local": "time", "data-format": "%B %e, %Y %l:%M%P" %>>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- And we're gonna start local time here. And in the local time, we're gonna use it, and we're gonna use it for adding the updated at timestamp here. And as you can see here, we're just adding a time tag that's just a vanilla HTML tag that has a data local time that's what activates that local time JavaScript set up.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- We're including trix and action text to give the WYSIWYG, and now we're gonna add that local text package as well. "import LocalTime from 'local-time' LocalTime.start()">> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So, we can do that using the import map pin command. And as you see, now that I hop back into our config import map, we've added the local text pin at the bottom, version 3.0.2. It pulled that straight off NPN, it downloaded that as a vendor dependency that we can check into our version control system. And now, we don't have any runtime dependency whatsoever on NPN, or anything else like that.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- bin/importmap pin local-time;>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- INT. TIMMY'S TAP -- DAY Timmy's Tap is a local watering hole, not unlike the L Street Bar. Sean is at the bar, telling a joke to TIMMY (45) the owner of the place, and several other REGULARS.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- INT. L STREET BAR & GRILLE, SOUTH BOSTON -- NIGHT The bar is a bit more crowded than usual. Will and Chuckie walk back to their table, carrying beers. They pass a table of GIRLS, local regulars getting just as bombed as the guys.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Looks like I'll have to take the Stamford local.>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
- No, I don't because I can't try on clothes online. it's hard to know if they would really fit me or not. It's much easier to go to a local clothing shop, try the clothes on and make sure they fit me well.>> questions
- Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office.
当地屠夫萨姆·本顿在把积蓄带到邮局时丢了钱包。>> 45-A Clear Conscience- He got to Sokolow. A local railwayman told him the tracks are divided, one branch leading to Treblinka. He said every day freight trains carrying people from Warsaw forked to Treblinka and returned empty. No transports of food are ever seen on that line. And civilians are forbidden to approach the Treblinka station. They're exterminating us. Won't take them long. We're sixty thousand left.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- I had a chance to do that a few times in my life and that was really helpful for me and when you're there, even try not to stay in touch with your family or contact them as infrequently as possible in order to completely change the way you think, so you start thinking in English while you live there in America, Maybe you can't go to America. try United Kingdom, try some other countries where english is also used and even when you travel to other countries which have their own languages, English is the language for tourism. when you travel there, they may understand your local language. For example you speak German and you travel to Turkey and in hotels they may understand German and they may try to speak it and you will feel comfortable using your own language. don't do that, Switch to English, every time you travel, every time you have an opportunity to speak english, use that opportunity, even if the person in front of you is not a native english speaker.>> You don't need perfect
- The Stimulus room controller handles Enter button click.It gets the user's local audio and video and feeds them into the local video element. It also starts Action Cable subscriptions specific to the current room: one for communicating WebRTC messages: the Signaller; and one for clients to ping others: the RoomSubscription.
Stimulus控制器处理Enter按钮的点击。它获取用户的本地音频和视频,并将其送到本地视频元素中。它也启动了在针对当前room的 Action Cable 订阅(signaling subscription and room subscription)分别处理webRTC消息和ping其他客户端。>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails- Local firemen and civilians battle heroically too; the water mains are ruptured, so they put pump water from the base swimming pool toward the burning ships.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- Sir, we just had an intelligence intercept. Someone from Tokyo called a local dentist whose office looks over Pearl. They wanted to know the exact location of the ships.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- It's connected to a local dentist. His office is beside Pearl Harbor.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script