
n. 组曲;套房;(一批)随员,随从;(一套)家具


INT. MARK'S DORM ROOM - NIGHT A bedroom that's part of a three-bedroom suite. The MUSIC CONTINUES as MARK walks in, flicks his lap-top on without looking at it and walks out of frame as we stay on the laptop.>>完整场景
335 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 335 JAMES, doubled over with stomach ache, and in shock - with KATE and TOM watching from behind him - stares at the Reaper image on his laptop.>>完整场景
304 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 304 JAMES looks like he will throw up.>>完整场景
295 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 295 JAMES, ashen, KATE and TOM watch on James’ laptop.>>完整场景
268 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 268 JAMES, watching WOODALE and the group on his screen, covers his mouth with his hand. Though he now appears to be off the hook legally, he is horrified by what is about to unfold.>>完整场景
253 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 253 JAMES, is now off camera at COBRA, but he can still see and hear everyone in the conference room on his laptop screen.>>完整场景
251 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 251 JAMES stares at ALIA, tormented by her image.>>完整场景
249 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 249 JAMES is haunted by ALIA - and doesn’t know what to do.>>完整场景
In the compound yard, ABADE turns back into the house. * 246 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 246 JAMES stares at the Reaper image of ALIA, frozen by his inability to act as her executioner.>>完整场景
244 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 244 JAMES sweats on a decision, watching the live feed of ALIA in front of him on his computer.>>完整场景
242 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 242 JAMES, drained of all colour and in his pyjamas and dressing gown, sits watching his laptop. TOM and KATE are behind him.>>完整场景
193 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - HOTEL - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 193 JAMES exits the bathroom, pale and drained. TOM has fired up a secure laptop via a mini satellite dish. He and KATE are watching the live feed from the Reaper and the beetle.>>完整场景
186 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - HOTEL - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 186 JAMES is on the toilet, clutching the phone, unaware of what everyone else is seeing on the screen.>>完整场景
181 INT. BEDROOM SUITE - HOTEL - SINGAPORE - NIGHT 181 KATE sees JAMES’ cellphone vibrating on a sideboard.>>完整场景
92 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE -LIVING ROOM DAY 92 Like a ghost, he kicks the room service tray into the hall and shuts the door.>>完整场景
71 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE - EVENING 71 Back at the Chateau, they enter his room defeated. She plops her stuff down in the entry hall, and goes to plug in her laptop.>>完整场景
67 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE - DAY 67 The guys eat breakfast with Cleo as she looks up a map and route on a laptop.>>完整场景
66 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE - DAY 66 Sammy is passed out on the couch with the Guitar Hero guitar across his lap.>>完整场景
58 INT. ITALIAN SUITE - EVENING 58 Sylvia and the room service is gone.>>完整场景
57 INT. ITALIAN SUITE - MORNING 57 Cleo sits at a room service table set with breakfast for three.>>完整场景
54 INT. ITALIAN HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT 54 Johnny and Cleo sleep on opposite sides of a huge bed, under silk drapery.>>完整场景
53A INT. ITALIAN HOTEL SUITE POOL - EVENING 53A Johnny kicks back in the jacuzzi while Cleo swims laps in the pool.>>完整场景
51 INT. ITALIAN HOTEL SUITE - DAY 51 Johnny and Cleo are shown into a ridiculously opulent Italian suite.>>完整场景
46 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE - KITCHEN - LATER 46 In the little hotel kitchen overlooking Sunset Blvd., Cleo makes macaroni and cheese.>>完整场景