
adj. 残酷的,残忍的;使人痛苦的


You understand? Good. Now, as to acting like a king, we wish you to be a good king. But at first... at first you must pass as Louis, and Louis is cold and cruel. So you must stop looking at people with such softness. It is... not Kingly.>>完整场景
A'dieu, cruel life! Farewell to useless Porthos!>>完整场景
I thought... there is something about my face that men do not want to see. Something that makes them cruel. But then I realized they were cruel even when I was wearing the mask. I knew there must be some other reason, but I could not think what it was.>>完整场景
INT. CELL OF THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK The Man in the Iron Mask lifts his head as a key rattles into his door. The door opens, admitting his old Jailer, and a NEW KEEPER. The New Keeper is just a younger version of the old one -- greasy, fat, and cruel.>>完整场景
You may be asking right now how my father could be so cruel, how he could work young girls like that? Or you may think that I'm exaggerating, that self-pity has magnified our distress. I tell you, this is no exaggeration. And I tell you, my father had no choice. Or that any choice he had was so far in the past that there was no unraveling it. Years later, when we were grown, we caught a glimpse of his guilt, his bitterness over what he had done to us. "I couldn't afford n------," he told my sister Billie. "So I had daughters." At 6 o'clock, we rebuilt the chute. We opened the doors, and the 6,000 remaining turkeys, the sun now low in the sky behind them, walked through to the pen. We cleaned up. We ate supper. And we went to bed. That's the day we had before the night 3,000 turkeys died.>>完整场景
I sent you to L.A. and you never came back. I thought you'd been killed. Do you know how cruel it is to make someone think someone they love is dead? I mourned you. Then in the third month of my mourning, I track you down. I wasn't trying to track you down, I was trying to track down - the f***ing a**holes - who I thought killed you. And when I find you, what to I find? Not only are you not dead, you're getting married - to some f***in jerk - and you're pregnant? How do you expect me to react?>>完整场景
Chapter eight "The cruel tutelage of Pai Mei">>完整场景