
n. 魅力,吸引力;魔力


But words whispered through prison bars lose their charm.>>完整场景
Okay my Kraut-Mick friend, Johnny will never get that part because I hate that pinko punk and I'm going to run him out of the Movies. And I'll tell you why. He ruined one of Woltz Brothers' most valuable proteges. For five years I had this girl under training; singing lessons! Acting lessons! Dancing lessons! We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars--I was going to make her a star. I'll be even more frank, just to show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man, that it wasn't all dollars and cents. That girl was beautiful and young and innocent and she was the greatest piece of ass I've ever ad and I've had them all over the world. Then Johnny comes along with that olive oil voice and guinea charm and she runs off. She threw it all away to make me look ridiculous. A MAN IN MY POSITION CANNOT AFFORD TO BE MADE TO LOOK RIDICULOUS!>>完整场景
These were men who'd acquired their power through charm and seduction, and who seemed to serve no purpose other than to stand in the way of his greatness.>>完整场景
He's really very short on charm.>>完整场景
The one hotel was easy to find, but the restaurant in it was a smoky little room with no charm and only one diner, a somber man with mutton-chop whiskers. Augustus decided he would prefer a cheerful bar, but that proved not easy to find.>>完整场景
She does have on a Duke Ellington charm bracelet.>>完整场景
She has no point. She often has no point. It's part of her charm. We're outta here. Thank you.>>完整场景
You haven't had to bribe or charm or threaten your way to a seat at that table. You don't know how to assess your competition because you haven't competed.>>完整场景
- Your mom's not bursting with charm.>>完整场景
Johnny goes up to a pretty girl and smiles at her with all his charm.>>完整场景
You'll charm that dude blind.>>完整场景
Despair thy charm and let the angel whom thou still hast served tell thee Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped.>>完整场景
I'm not your lucky charm anymore.>>完整场景
So, I'm of the thinking that you are my lucky charm and that I'm not doing this job without you.>>完整场景
I haven't got Lari's beauty or charm or intelligence.>>完整场景
(charm curdles) I can’t. I can’t tell you.>>完整场景
There they are, boys. The Human Charm Bracelet.>>完整场景
Bill tries to charm his brother.>>完整场景
It's a charm that protects against evil.>>完整场景
In all honesty I can't say that charm has had a whole lot to do with it.>>完整场景
I've arranged for favors -- silver charm bracelets for the women, platinum keychains for the men -- all engraved 'W.P.' -- but now I'm thinking of scrubbing them, they seem so ordinary.Finally Parrish rises from the table, starts out. ALLISON (cont'd) Are they ordinary? Do they seem that way to you, Daddy?>>完整场景