
vt. 更新;校正,修正;使现代化


Am I supposed to constantly update my knowledge about current events for the speaking test?
>> questions
The export declaration is used to export values from a JavaScript module. Exported values can then be imported into other programs with the import declaration or dynamic import. The value of an imported binding is subject to change in the module that exports it — when a module updates the value of a binding that it exports, the update will be visible in its imported value.
>> export-javascript
Solid Queue:
Solid Queue Solid Queue replaces the need for not just Redis, but also a separate job-running framework, like Resque, Delayed Job, or Sidekiq, for most people. For high-performance installations, it’s built on the new FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED mechanism first introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5, but now also available in MySQL 8.0 and beyond. For more modest needs, it also works with SQLite, which makes it ideal for that no-dependency path to the first HELLO WORLD dopamine hit you get from seeing your work in production right away.
Solid Queue Solid Queue不仅取代了Redis,还取代了大多数人对单独的作业运行框架的需求,如Resque、Delayed job或Sidekiq。对于高性能安装,它建立在PostgreSQL 9.5中首次引入的新的For UPDATE SKIP LOCKED机制之上,但现在MySQL 8.0及更高版本也提供了该机制。对于更温和的需求,它也适用于SQLite,这使其成为您在生产中立即看到您的工作时获得第一个HELLO WORLD多巴胺的无依赖路径的理想选择。
>> Rails8
Beyond plenty fast enough for most applications. As a bonus, Solid Cable retains the messages sent in the database for a day by default, which may ease debugging of tricky live update issues.
对于大多数应用程序来说,速度已经足够快了。作为额外的好处,Solid Cable默认情况下会将数据库中发送的消息保留一天,这可能会简化棘手的实时更新问题的调试。
>> Rails8
3. A Turbo Stream update creates a video element on the newcomer's screen for each greeting it receives.
3.Turbo Stream更新为新用户收到的每个问候语在新用户的屏幕上创建一个视频元素。
>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails
Finally, when a client disconnects from the room channel, a Turbo Stream update removes the media element from the screen. The media controller broadcasts its removal so the room controller can clean up.
最后,当客户端与房间频道断开连接时,Turbo Stream更新会从屏幕上删除媒体元素。媒体控制器广播其移除,以便房间控制器可以进行清理。
>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails
This triggers the same process as above on the other client: appending a media element via a Turbo Stream update, and starting a webRTC negotiation.
这在另一个客户端上触发了与上述相同的过程:通过Turbo Stream更新附加媒体元素,并启动webRTC协商。
>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails
The greet action broadcasts specifically to the newcomer, a Turbo Stream update which appends a media element representing the remote client.
问候动作专门向新来者广播,这是一个Turbo Stream更新,它附加了一个代表远程客户端的媒体元素。
>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails
Got an unscheduled status update from Hermes.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
We have a mission update.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
“What’s going on?” SERGEANT GLEESON Colonel, General Benson is asking for an update.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Commander's personal log, update.
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Fireworks. Update -- we're con- structing the number '65' on the barge, archers from the State College at New Paltz will shoot flaming arrows at it, when it catches fire it will give us the effect of a Viking funeral with none of the morbidity... The Hudson River Authority says, for you, they'll make a special dispensation - of course there'll be an overtime bill for the Poughkeepsie Fire Dept...
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