
adj. 笨拙的;尴尬的;棘手的;不合适的


That, too, surprised her, for no man had ever commented, favorably or unfavorably, upon her clothes—not even Tinkersley, who had given her the money to buy the very dress Jake was holding, just a cheap cotton dress which was fraying at the collar. Lorena felt a touch of shame that a man would notice the fraying. She had often meant to make anew dress or two—that being the only way to get one, in Lonesome Dove—but she was awkward with a needle and was still getting by on the dresses she had bought in San Antonio.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Instead, Jake had walked in. Lippy gave a whoop, and Xavier was excited enough that he came out from behind the bar and shook Jake’s hand. Jake was polite and glad to see them, and took the trouble to ask their health and make a few jokes, but even before he had drunk the free drink Xavier offered him he had begun to make a difference in the way she felt. He had big muddy brown eyes and a neat mustache that turned down at the corners, but of course she had seen big eyes and mustaches before. What made the difference was that Jake was so at home and relaxed even after he saw her sitting there. Most men got nervous when they saw her, aware that their wives wouldn’t like them being in the same room with her, or else made nervous by the thought of what they wanted from her, which they couldn’t get without some awkward formalities of a sort that few of them could handle smoothly.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Newt felt awkward, once Deets left. He was afraid to speak, so he simply stood, holding the two horses.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, much obliged then,” Dish said. “I’ll see you in the fall if not sooner.” “There’s no need for you to ride off tonight,” Augustus said. “You can throw your blanket down on our porch, if you like.” “I might do that,” Dish said. Feeling rather awkward, he rehitched his horse and went to the door of the Dry Bean, wanting to get upstairs before Lorie turned off her light.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Of course, Newt knew that Lorena was a whore. It was an awkward fact, but it didn’t lessen his feelings for her one whit.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Since there weren’t enough sober men in church that morning to carry it inside, Mrs. Pink Higgins, who played it, had to sit out in the street and bang away at the hymns, while the rest of the congregation, ten ladies and a preacher, stayed inside and sang. The arrangement was made more awkward still by the fact that Lorena Wood came out on the backstairs of the saloon, practically undressed, and listened to the hymns.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Augustus was getting about ready to start talking to the sow and the shoat when he saw Call and Pea Eye walking up from the lots. Pea Eye was tall and lank, had never been full in his life, and looked so awkward that he appeared to be about to fall down even when he was standing still. He looked totally helpless, but that was another case of looks deceiving. In fact, he was one of the ablest men Augustus had ever known. He had never been an outstanding Indian fighter, but if you gave him something he could work at deliberately, like carpentering or blacksmithing, or well-digging or harness repair, Pea was excellent. If he had been a man to do sloppy work, Call would have run him off long before.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
And, uh, I think in some circumstances if someone does, it's followed by silence, and, um-- awkward silence.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
He touches her, but it's awfully awkward, more of a pat on the head than anything strong or reassured.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
An awkward moment of silence. Uncomfortable smiles. Then --
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
RICHIE DIMASO: Listen I know it’s awkward and I just want to say I’m sorry, alright? I think we can stick together and still fulfill our goal. I mean, we got the Sherman Suite.
>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
I am. And you’re Will. I’ve seen yourpicture, that’s how I recognize you. I almost said something at the store, butit would have been awkward.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
There's an awkward silence for a moment... PRINCE ALBERT: Will I have the pleasure of watching you both row again in Beijing?
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(in farewell) Well... Lipsky’s awkward attempt at a hug - unreciprocated by David - turns into a clumsy handshake. Lipsky gets into the car.
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385. The awfully awkward warship is warned not to be awarded war reward.
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Passengers assume various awkward poses as though plane had just crashed.
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It wouId be rather awkward.
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I can do that, I can do that, it'd be really awkward, but I'll do it.
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This is an awkward moment for me, Mr. Melon... since I realize you're a highly respected member... of our business community.
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Let's say there's a crisis that erupts some place on the planet Earth and all of a sudden we're in this awkward situation of being beholden to them for access to outer space.
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The music splatters to an awkward stop; Louis hurries out, leaving his partner abandoned in the center of the ballroom, with everyone staring as if she just ruined the party.
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It might be an awkward meal.
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What an awkward situation.
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an awkward moment--- Im sorry. Im about to sit down to Christmas dinner myself.
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In the living room, Chace is examining her belongings:
theapartment is simple but stylish as Gail herself. Gail's daughter Ariadne walks in in her pajamas, rubbingsleep from her eyes. Chace is awkward.
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