
adj. 传说的,传奇的


Since the time of our legendary ancestor, Genghis Khan, hordes of foreign invaders have tried to conquer this land and put an end to our peaceful way of life.
>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
Oh no! That comcludes the first part of our presentation up next, we have the legendary, former, chairman of the fed, Alan greenspan!
>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
The two men are almost flying across the rocky terrain, never losing balance, never coming close to stumbling; the battle rages with incredible finesse, first one and then the other gaining the advantage, and by now, it's clear that this isn't just two athletes going at it, it's a lot more that that. This is two legendary swashbucklers and they're in their prime, it's Burt Lancaster in "The Crimson Pirate" battling Errol Flynn in "Robin Hood" and then, incredibly, the action begins going even faster than before as we
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
You were supposed to be this colossus. You were this great, legendary thing. And yet he gains.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
“I guess this will spoil Jasper’s digestion,” he said, for Jasper’s sensitivity on the subject of rivers was becoming more pronounced. “We bogged sixty head of Mr. Pierce’s cattle in this very river, although that was over toward Arkansas. I must have had a hundred pounds of mud on my clothes before we got them out.” Deets put his horse into the surging water and was soon across the channel, but had to pick his way across another long expanse of sand before he was safely on the north bank. Evidently he didn’t like the crossing, because he waved the others back with his hat and loped away downriver. He was soon out of sight in the rain, but came back in an hour with news of a far better crossing downstream. By then the whole crew was nervous, for the Red was legendary for drowning cowboys, and the fact that they had nothing to do but sit and drip increased general anxiety.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Gus’s disregard of common sense in such matters was legendary. Jake appeared to have the same disregard, but Call knew his was mostly bluff. Gus started the joking, and Jake felt like he had to keep up his end of it, because he wanted to be thought a cool customer.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Athos, Aramis, Porthos... none of them can speak. They grip d'Artagnan, as if through their will alone they could keep his life from leaking away. The young Musketeers stand transfixed, watching their legendary Captain die. Phillippe sags; his voice from behind the iron mask is torn by grief.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
EXT. ESTABLISHING THE BASTILLE - NIGHT A sudden visual, establishing the Bastille, the horrific legendary prison of Paris.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
In the stands watching the scrimmage is the legendary University of Alabama football coach BEAR BRYANT, wearing his trademark plaid hat.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script