
n. 商人;商船;交易者


The day she told him she was going to marry the horse trader from Kentucky, he had been too stunned to say much. She just told him plainly, with no fuss: Bob was the kind of man she needed, and that was that. He could remember the moment still: they had been standing in front of her little store, in Austin, and she had taken his hand and held it for a time.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Looking at Dish, so tight with his need for Lorena, whom he would probably never have, Augustus remembered his own love for Clara Allen—it had pained him and pleased him at once. As a young woman Clara had such grace that just looking at her could choke a man; then, she was always laughing, though her life had not been the easiest. Despite her cheerful eyes, Clara was prone to sudden angers, and sadnesses so deep that nothing he could say or do would prompt her to answer him, or even to look at him. When she left to marry her horse trader, he felt that he had missed the great opportunity of his life; for all their fun together he had not quite been able to touch her, either in her happiness or her sadness. It wasn’t because of his wife, either—it was because Clara had chosen the angle of their relation. She loved him in certain ways, wanted him for certain purposes, and all his straining, his tricks, his looks and his experience could not induce her to alter the angle.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It was the only logical explanation. No stage had passed through in the last week. A troop of soldiers had come through, going west, but soldiers wouldn’t have taken Elmira. The boat had been filled with whiskey traders, headed up for Bents’ Fort. Roscoe had seen a couple of the boatmen staggering on the street, and when the boat had left with no fights reported, he had felt relieved. Whiskey traders were rough men—certainly not the sort married women ought to be traveling with.“You better go see what you can find out, Roscoe,” Peach said. “If she’s run off, July’s gonna want to know about it.” That was certainly true. July doted on Elmira.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It was no trouble for them to cross the river and bring back a few hundred head at a time to sell to the traders who were too lazy to go into Mexico themselves. They prospered in a small way; there was enough money in their account in SanAntonio that they could have considered themselves rich, had that notion interested them. But it didn’t; Augustus knew that nothing about the life they were living interested Call, particularly. They had enough money that they could have bought land, but they hadn’t, although plenty of land could still be had wonderfully cheap. -It was that they had roved too long, Augustus concluded, when his mind turned to such matters. They were people of the horse, not of the town; in that they were more like the Comanches than Call would ever have admitted. They had been in Lonesome Dove nearly ten years, and yet what little property they had acquired was so worthless that neither of them would have felt bad about just saddling up and riding off from it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It was that assignment that brought them to Lonesome Dove. After the war, the cattle market came into existence and all the big landowners in south Texas began to make up herds and trail them north, to the Kansas railheads. Once cattle became the game and the brush country filled up with cowboys and cattle traders, he and Call finally stopped rangering.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“That Bob Allen’s lucky,” he remarked. “I’ve known horse traders who didn’t last a year.” “Why, hell, you’re a horse trader yourself,” Jake said. “You boys have let yourselves get stuck. You should have gone north long ago. There’s plenty of opportunity left up north.” “That may be, Jake, but all you’ve done with it is kill a dentist,” Augustus said. “At least we ain’t committed no ridiculous crimes.” Jake smiled. “Have you got anything to drink around here?” he asked. “Or do you just sit around all day with your throat parched.” “He gets drunk,” Bolivar said, waking up suddenly.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
After that, neither of them had any more to say for a few minutes. Jake thought it ill-spoken of Gus to bring Clara up, a woman he no longer had any sympathy for since she had shown him the door and married a big dumb horse trader from Kentucky. Even losing her to Gus wouldn’t have been so bitter a blow, since Gus had been her beau before he met her.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Jake, I notice you’ve not answered me about Clara,” Augustus said. “If you’ve been to see her I’d like to hear about it, even though I begrudge you every minute.” “Oh, you ain’t got much begrudging to do,” Jake said. “I just seen her for a minute, outside a store in Ogallala. That dern Bob was with her, so all I could do was tip my hat and say good morning.” “I swear, Jake, I thought you’d have more gumption than that,” Augustus said. “They live up in Nebraska, do they?” “Yes, on the North Platte,” Jake said. “Why, he’s the biggest horse trader in the territory. The Army gets most of its horses from him, what Army’s in those parts, and the Army wears out a lot of horses. I reckon he’s close to rich.” “Any young uns?” Augustus asked.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Her cheeks hollowed a little—it gave her a distracting beauty. Augustus’s experience had taught him that hollow-cheeked beauty was a dangerous kind. His two wives had both been fat-cheeked and trustworthy but had possessed little resistance to the climate. One had expired of pleurisy in only the second year of their marriage, while the other had beencarried off by scarlet fever after the seventh. But the woman Lorena put him most in mind of was Clara Allen, whom he had loved hardest and deepest, and still loved. Clara’s eyes were direct and sparkled with interest, whereas Lorena’s were always side-looking. Still, there was something about the girl that reminded him of Clara, who had chosen a stolid horse trader when she decided to marry.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
We won't bother any traders here, we just want to talk to you about wealth distribution.
>> Wing Chun Movie Script
128 SAME SCENE - FEW MOMENTS LATER 128 The ferry pulls up to the dock. The dock street is a culture clash of shanty bars and Amazon Indian traders, of big-wheel SUVs and mule carts. There's a definite air of menace.
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I am a trader now. Selling buckets.
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He looks convincing as a poor trader selling buckets - butone MILITIA MAN has an idea to check him out.
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MAJOR OWITI: (into his headset) It belongs to Amadu Mukhtar. He’s a Somali trader but there is no other intel on him.
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Then there's the fish trader, HWANG.
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The seconds tick down. The floor traders brace themselves.
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Getty's FLOOR TRADER hurries up the steps to take his order.
>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
INT. LONDON COMMODITY EXCHANGE -- DAY Getty takes his seat overlooking the exchange, flanked byhis two concubines, like an Emperor at the Arena. The traders on the floor await the opening bell with dread and excitement.
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