
vt. 给留下伤痕;伤害


I'm Evelyn. And I'm just a nurse. But I'm not playing golf, and that cut needs sewing, or else it's gonna make a big lumpy scar. Whatta ya say?>>完整场景
CLOSE VIEW ON FANUCCI frightening, revealing the large circular scar, now healed.>>完整场景
Sometimes in the evening, when he brought her her food, Fowler would sit and talk with her a bit. He had a scar which ran over his nose and down across his lips into his beard. He had a rough look, but his eyes were dreamy.>>完整场景
The boy, growing up in the village, first with a Mexican family and then with the Hat Creek outfit, was a living reminder of his failure. With the boy there he could never be free of the memory and the guilt. He would have given almost anything just to erase the memory, not to have it part of his past, or in his mind, but of course he couldn’t do that. It was his forever, like the long scar on his back, the result of having let a horse throw him through a glass window.>>完整场景
He motioned at a chair, and Dish took it, feeling red in the face one second and pale the next. He longed to know what Lorena was feeling about it all, and when Jake turned his head a minute, he cast her a glance. Her eyes were unusually bright, but they didn’t see him. They returned continually to Jake, who was paying her no particular mind. She tapped her fingers on the table three or four times, a little absently, as if keeping time with her own thoughts, and she drank two more sips from Jake’s glass. There were tiny beads of sweat above her upper lip, one right at the edge of the faint scar, but she didn’t look bothered by the heat or anything else.>>完整场景
Once Gus became a regular, she had no trouble making a living in the town, although in the summer, when the cowboys were mostly off on the trail, pickings sometimes grew slim. While she was well past the point of trusting men, she soon perceived that Gus was in a class by himself, at least in Lonesome Dove. He wasn’t mean, and he didn’t treat her like most men treated a sporting woman. She knew he would probably even help her if she ever really needed help. It seemed to her he had got rid of something other men hadn’t got rid of—some meanness or some need. He was the one man besides Lippy she would sometimes talk to—a little. With most of the sports she had nothing at all to say.In fact, her silence soon came to be widely commented on. It was part of her, like the scar, and, like the scar, it drew men to her even though it made them deeply uneasy. It was not a trick, either, although she knew it unnerved the sports and made matters go quicker. Silent happened to be how she felt when men were with her.>>完整场景
“Where’d you get that scar?” he asked.>>完整场景
The bite had left a faint little scar just above her upper lip; to Lorena’s amusement it was that trifling scar that seemed to make men crazy for a time with her. Of course it wasn’t just the scar—she had developed well and had also gotten prettier as she got older. But the scar played its part. Tinkersley got drunk in Lonesome Dove the day he left her, and he told everyone in the Dry Bean that she was a murderous woman. So she had a reputation in the town before she even unpacked her clothes. Tinkersley had left her with no money at all, but fortunately she could cook when she had to; the Dry Bean was the only place in Lonesome Dove that served food, and Lorena had been able to talk Xavier Wanz, who owned it, into letting her do the cooking until the cowboys got over being scared of her and began to approach her.>>完整场景
If I see him with a bruise, you get a scar.>>完整场景
Gals always love a guy with a scar.>>完整场景
Had a bullet scar on his left shoulder.>>完整场景
96 NEARBY - MOMENTS LATER 96 Gordy has left the trail. He lowers his pants justenough to expose his injured thigh. A bandage covers thewound made by the glass shard. Gordy unwraps thebandage, revealing... A wad of cash is hidden inside, along with a photo ofAnne and Matt. A long, livid scar marks the wound.>>完整场景
Streetlight catches the burn scar on his cheek.>>完整场景
Mouth cruel where the scar tugs at it.>>完整场景
The visor of the HIGH-TECH HELMET is shattered, presumably by the explosion. The wearer rips it off, revealing a younger Reese, minus his burn scar.>>完整场景
18 EXT. STREET/NEARBY - NIGHT 18 Reese enters a telephone booth. Harsh light rakes across his face, outlining the long scar. He opens the directory, leafs through it.>>完整场景
A NAKED MAN, compact and muscular, rises in a defensive crouch. KYLE REESE is 22, but his face has been aged by ordeal, the mouth hard, eyes grim. A crinkled burn scar traverses one side of his face from chin to forehead. Other scars, from burns and bullets, mar his hard-muscled body.>>完整场景
87.Three years of research at an abandoned coal mine in Argonne, Illinois, have resulted in findings that scientists believe can help reclaim thousands of mine disposal sites that scar the coal-rich regions of the United States.>>完整场景
I’m not the woman who could find love for you even though you’d scarred her on the inside... Kat pulls up her shirt to reveal the MASSIVE, ANGRY SCAR – KAT (CONT'D) I’m the vengeful b*tch you scarred on the outside.>>完整场景
She lifts her shirt to reveal a LARGE, JAGGED, ANGRY SCAR.>>完整场景
Be quite a scar, but you’re okay.>>完整场景
BRUCE walks off. His FAKE SCAR hangs half off his cheek. The sun is just beginning to peek over the worn rooftops.>>完整场景
BRUCE(V.O.) November 8. Dear Father, the pimp knew my face. A distracting scar will hopefully mask my identity.>>完整场景
INT. BRUCB WAYNE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT The TV NEWS plays in the back ground as BRUCE applies a fake scar onto his cheek.>>完整场景
She wipes her eyes. Her hand moves under her shirt, fingertips rest on scar.>>完整场景