
vt. 决定;判决;解决


Say sh*t and f*** a million times... if you want to, but you decide.>>完整场景
And when did you decide upon this extinct profession?>>完整场景
And remember that I and I aIone shaII decide when you may address me by the name that your kinship aIIows.>>完整场景
Whatever you decide.>>完整场景
Then you'll back me up when I decide to sign up in a few months.>>完整场景
We are the ones who must decide how much support to give the Rangers.>>完整场景
Uh, so, you decide on anything yet?>>完整场景
I can't decide which is worse, that you had to sneak outside to get some privacy, or that you were caught by Veronica.>>完整场景
So we decide to take the time to follow a mother elephant and her calf in the bush.>>完整场景
So we decide to leave the Tarangire early and head to Lake Manyara, somewhat disappointed by the turn of events.>>完整场景
Saving or killing, it's not up to me to decide.>>完整场景
Let the jury decide.>>完整场景
It's really about what interests they decide to represent.>>完整场景
So its up to the family to decide whether to resuscitate or not, and theyre not good at decisions.>>完整场景
If it entertains you, maybe youll decide to help me research further.>>完整场景
- Did you decide to skip arts and crafts?>>完整场景
F*** you! I'm not your child! You don't get to decide what I do.>>完整场景
Andy nods. Now's the time. The group moves off through the confusion, using it as cover. They head up the slope of a nearby hill and quickly decide on a suitable spot. The guards haven't noticed.>>完整场景
[Schweizer] Eight other investors in Uranium One suddenly decide to write checks to the Clinton Foundation, about $1 45 million.>>完整场景
Douglas thought each state, each territory, should decide for itself if it wanted slavery, and he envisioned slavery lasting forever, not just in America, but spreading to other countries as well.>>完整场景
You must decide.>>完整场景
Let the people decide which of the prisoners I hold... will be executed.>>完整场景
We are to decide precisely that... now, with God's guidance.>>完整场景
That is correct. And how do I decide?>>完整场景
You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore, before you decide to be happy.>>完整场景