
n. 领导者;首领;指挥者


The patrol leader looks at Felix hard. Then nods. The guerrillas go. Felix dumps Berta onto her feet, stands.>>完整场景
CARRIE and STEVE watch a respectful exchange between the militia leader and the Woman in the back passenger seat. But all they can see from their high angle is her covered arm as it extends out of the window.>>完整场景
CARRIE does. She and STEVE watch as a MILITIA LEADER - surrounded by a small posse - walks up to the SUV.>>完整场景
MILITIA LEADER MILITIA LEADER (CONT’D) You need to cover yourself Waxaad u baahan tahay inaad properly! si sax ah naftaada dabooli!>>完整场景
You're a leader.>>完整场景
ANGLE - TWO SHOT, Terminator and the leader are close together as if dancing, but motionless. Their bodies are in total shadow. The punk's eyes are wide, his veins distended with an agonizing pressure. Terminator jerks his fist back with a WET SOUND and the other drops OUT OF FRAME.>>完整场景
The leader whips out his SWITCHBLADE and slashes in one motion. Terminator ducks back and catches the knife- wielder's wrist in an inhuman grip. Then he punches the leader with piledriver force just below the breastbone.>>完整场景
The leader notices something and sits up.>>完整场景
The leader of the biggest organs trafficking gang in Korea HWANG Man-bae gets arrested.>>完整场景
If he's such a band leader, we'll see if he's band leader enough to hold onto his boy.>>完整场景
I'm the band leader.>>完整场景
Understood. Alpha Leader, you have a Minbari on your tail.>>完整场景
With the death of their leader, Dukhat, the Minbari went mad.>>完整场景
Lenonn... It is my right as leader of the Anla-Shok.>>完整场景
It is the least I can do for the honored leader of the Anla-Shok.>>完整场景
To get in and out quietly, not to go in there and cause mayhem by killing their leader.>>完整场景
Their leader is her personal bodyguard.>>完整场景
A great leader, Section Commander Sorrentine has brought her back.>>完整场景
[Patrick] Ground Leader checking in.>>完整场景
Perhaps you can find out who this secret leader of the Jesuits is.>>完整场景
I have demanded it -- and common priests present themselves! Can you imagine the arrogance? Common Jesuit priests try to act as my equals, and they refuse to reveal the names of anyone else in their order! No one can keep secrets like the Jesuits can, and the identity of their leader is the darkest secret they hold. Even the Pope himself does not know who leads the Jesuit Order in France! He suspects the Governor General of Jesuits, whoever he is, is angling to become Pope himself.>>完整场景
Became a team leader in just three years.>>完整场景
I now shared even more in common... with the leader of that country God seemed to have forsaken.>>完整场景
A relentless Globo Gym attack led by their Lilliputian leader, White Goodman.>>完整场景
You're a natural leader, La Fleur.>>完整场景