
vi. 跳水;潜水;俯冲;急剧下降


>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
Cops DIVE for cover. GLASS AND HUBCAPS go everywhere.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
I'm not sure which one it is... He starts trying keys in the lock. And as the keys go sliding in one after another... 264INT -- NORTON'S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 264 ...so do the bullets. Norton is riveted to the door. For every key, he loads another bullet. Methodical and grim. He gets the final bullet in just as the right key slams home. The door bursts open. Men muscle in. Somebody SHOUTS. Troopers dive in all directions as Norton raises the gun -- -- and jams it under his chin. his head snaps back as the wall goes red. His swivel chair does a slow half-turn and creaks to a final stop. Troopers rise slowly, gazing in horror.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
Forrest Jr. serves the ball, causing Forrest dive and miss it.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
The roar of approaching planes is deafening. Forrest looks up in fear. Three planes dive down toward the jungle. They fire napalm as the jungle explodes with massive fireballs.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
NOLAN! Dive in or get down, lad! - Hey! Did you do that? - Yeah! - What the bleedin' hell are you playin' at? - You said you'd meet me! - I know, but something came up and I'm sorry. No need for that, though, was there? Going to cost a few bob to get that fixed. Oh, eh! - Robbie, where you going? - Mum said you were a loser. - Cheers(!) - Always was, always will be! - At least I'm consistent.
>> A Boy Called Dad Movie Script
Come on, Nolan! Can't drive and he can't dive! Mr Skinner? Are you Mr Skinner? Yeah, you don't know me. I'm his dad.
>> A Boy Called Dad Movie Script
- Do you know her? - No. - Which way's Ireland? - Perch Rock and take a left. On a clear day, you can see Val Doonican. Who? You know, Val Doonican. # Walk tall, walk tall and look the world right in the eye. # You laughin' at me? Ah, he's made a happy man very old. - Are there any nice girls in Killarney? - Oh, yeah. Want me to put a word in for you? Don't worry, I'll make sure that, y'know, she's got all the bits. You with anyone? No. Maybe you could come back to live with us.The chances of that are poor to piss poor, son. Your mum'd never have me back. She might change her mind. Women do - it's a well-known fact. - Yeah? Not your mum. - SHIP HORN BLARES I'm always lookin' out for you on that. - Sometimes I reckon I've seen you on it. - Yeah? - D'you remember a snow globe you got me? - Snow globe? It had a nativity in it. Cracked. Yeah! Yeah, I do remember it now, yeah. Mary's head fell off, we stuck it back on with Bostick. - You can see the join. - The thought that counts. - You kept that all this time? - The snow doesn't snow. Never did. Snow's overrated anyway. Kept this an' all. I remember that day. Bits of it. I was havin' a banana milkshake. We were in that cafe at Hollyhead. Before we got the train home. Why did you leave us? Your mum never told you? She doesn't talk about it. Just says you let us down. Better off without you. Yeah, maybe she's right. I don't feel better off without you. D'you ever think about me dad? Not if I can help it. Why? He might've changed. Yeah. And there's a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. You don't know nothing, you. You're full of sh*t. You ever wonder why you're on your own? NOLAN! Dive in, or get down.
>> A Boy Called Dad Movie Script